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Chapter 71 Ace Broker [Five]

    The boy's lips were cold and soft, with a faint smell of green tea.

    Before Wu Youyou could feel the sudden kiss, Ling Che took it back.

    "I'm sorry, Sister Youyou." Ling Che took a step back abruptly, lowered his head, and apologized to Wu Youyou softly, "I was impulsive just now."


    Wu Youyou couldn't help but let out a single syllable in her throat. .

    Wu Youyou suddenly wanted to raise her hand to touch the lips that Ling Che had kissed.

    But she finally held back.

    As a big beauty with outstanding appearance and good figure, Wu Youyou has received many favors in her life.

    Wu Youyou can also feel the goodwill of the artists she has brought to her.

    But because of Ling Bingqing, Wu Youyou never thought that Ling Che felt that way about her...

    Wu Youyou thought that Ling Che just regarded herself as a lovable and respectable sister.

    It now appears that she was mistaken.


    that Wu Youyou seemed to be frightened by his own kiss, Ling Che hesitated for a while, but was the first to break the silence at the scene: "Sister Youyou, I don't want to hear anyone speak ill of you."

    Wu Youyou endured The corners of his mouth twitched: "Even if it's me?"

    Ling Che: "..."

    Ling Che didn't want to argue with Wu Youyou about this logical paradox, he continued to talk to her seriously : "What's more, Li Miao is still the one you brought out. Without you, he would not have achieved today's results. You are his benefactor, but he maliciously speculates on you and speaks about you in such vicious terms. I don't like it the most. I'm used to a person like him who does one thing on the surface and another on the other."

    "So you beat him up?" Wu Youyou felt so tired, "Ling Che, aren't you stupid?! Li Miao made it clear that he was deliberately using words to provoke you and wanted you to attack him. You Well, are you really caught in his trap?!"     "I know Li Miao did it on purpose. He knew that I would be angry if he said that." Ling Che replied to Wu Youyou, "But Sister Youyou, I am a person with blood and energy. , why do I put up with a villain like Li Miao?"     "He should have been beaten up!"     ——From     Ling Che's attitude, Wu Youyou could see that she was with him for a while and a half I couldn't tell, so I just gave up.     "Forget it, you've been beaten and beaten, and I don't have a time machine to go back to the past to stop you, so let's talk about what to do later."     Wu Youyou said, her brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about countermeasures.     But before Wu Youyou could come up with a clever plan, Ling Che spoke first: "Sister Youyou, I have already thought about the next thing - I'm going to retire."     Wu Youyou, who was thinking about things, responded to Ling Che subconsciously. : "Oh."     Ten seconds later.     Wu Youyou widened her eyes and looked at Ling Che in disbelief: "What did you just say?!"     You said you were going to retire? ! !     ——Completely     different from Wu Youyou's shock, Ling Che's face was calm: "Yes, Sister Youyou, I want to retire."     Hearing that Ling Che wanted to retire, Wu Youyou immediately tried to persuade him. : "Ling Che! Don't be impulsive!! The achievements you have achieved now are almost unprecedented, and your online voting has exceeded the second place by more than 40 million votes!! You have two more episodes of the show. We’ve made our debut in a group!! After your debut, there are still many business cooperations and super high-level productions waiting for you!! Don’t give up at this juncture!!”

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