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Chapter 41 The secretary just wants to eat melon [four]

    After explaining this sentence, Ling Zhuo hung up the phone.

    The familiar busy tone came from the microphone, smooth, regular, and lifeless.

    If Wu Youyou lay down in the ICU at this time and plugged in the ECG machine, it is estimated that the response of the ECG machine would be flat like the busy tone of the phone.

    Her heart is already socially dead.

    Taking a deep breath, Wu Youyou did psychological construction for herself - as long as I am not embarrassed, it will be others who are embarrassed!

    As long as I'm not embarrassed!

    if I! Not embarrassed! !

    If he hinted to himself for a minute, Wu Youyou kept his composure, stood up from the office chair with a calm face, then jumped to the door of Ling Zhuo's office with one foot, and dropped the flat shoe. Hook it back and put it on.

    Putting on his shoes, Wu Youyou raised his hand to hold the handle of the office door, then turned to look at Ling Zhuo, and asked, "Dong Ling, do you need me to close the door for you?"

    Ling Zhuo raised his hand and said "please" Gesture: "Excuse me."

    Wu Youyou bowed slightly, stepped back, and closed the door.


    At the sound of the door closing, the calm expression on Wu Youyou's face finally... collapsed.

    Although I don't want to be embarrassed...but I still feel so embarrassed ah woo woo!

    I am dead! ! I'll just quit my job! !


    Youyou, who was on the verge of collapse, went to seek comfort from his friends for the first time.

    But none of Chen Youyou's bad friends are good people! Everyone who heard what happened to Wu Youyou this afternoon, the reaction was all hahahahahaha.

    The difference is that some people take more and some take less.

    The ones who laughed the most were the melon friends in the WeChat group of the eating melon team.

    Seeing the other three melon friends swiping one after another in the group hahahaha, Wu Youyou was so angry that she wanted to quit the group!

    Who are these people! You know how to build your own happiness on the pain of others!

    If it wasn't for my reluctance to keep chatting in the group, I would have quit the group long ago! !

    Thinking about it, Wu Youyou angrily sent a "stop" emoji, and then asked, "You don't want to eat Wang Wan's melon, do you? ! Also swipe! I won't talk about it even if I swipe the screen! ! 】

    As soon as Wu Youyou's news went out, the melon friends immediately stopped.

    Luo Xiaoyu: [@陈RUNTU, don't be angry! We were wrong~! We do not swipe the screen~! 】

    Liu Shoushou: [@陈RUNTU We don’t laugh at you anymore~ You can say it~! 】

    Zhang Meili: [@陈RUNTU don't be afraid! If they dare to laugh, I will help you beat them! Say it! 】

    Under the repeated urging of melon friends, Wu Youyou repeated the conversation between Ling Zhuo and Fang Yiran to them.

    Out of moral considerations, Wu Youyou didn't say anything about Wang Wan's pregnancy.

The female partner just wants to eat melon [Quick Wear] Where stories live. Discover now