Chapter 127

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Chapter 127 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [11]

    After Wu Youyou, the most senior person, finished the apprenticeship ceremony, it was time for Ge Yunsheng and Di Chunying.

    Because Di Chunying obtained the imprint of fire spells, she became the twenty-first disciple of Gu Huanshen, the head of the sect. Ge Yunsheng went to the door of Xiang Zhilan, the third elder in charge of Shui Lingfeng.

    After that, it was Cui Ya and the two male disciples' apprenticeship ceremony.

    Seeing that Cui Ya's master was actually the Situ Jun he had guessed, Ge Yunsheng was stunned for a moment, and then secretly he was so jealous that he wanted to clench his teeth.

    Di Chunying only looked at Cui Ya's pretty red face and sneered.

    Wu Youyou stood obediently behind Ling Changting, watching Cuiya offering tea to Situ Jun, she couldn't help but muttered: "Lu Qixianmen's apprentice ceremony... How can it be like a church?"

    Wu Youyou spoke in a small voice , but also let Ling Changting hear it.

    Ling Changting turned his head and glanced at Wu Youyou lightly, and asked her with a smile, "So you want to worship me?"

    Wu Youyou: "..."

    Wu Youyou: "Master, is there something wrong with your logic? ?"

    I said like, like! Why do you think I want to go to church with you? !

    Feeling Wu Youyou's speechlessness, Ling Changting smiled slightly, withdrew his gaze, and his gaze fell back to the disciple kneeling on the temple.

    At this time, the three of Cui Ya also finished their apprenticeships.

    After the host's "Rite", a voice as bright as a bell suddenly sounded in the hall: "Hahahaha! Changting, you can be regarded as an apprentice!

    " "Buzz" echoes.

    Wu Youyou followed the sound curiously, and saw that it was a monk in a colorful cassock and holding a nine-ringed tin cane. Contrary to the feeling of his loud voice, he actually gave birth to a white face, red lips and white teeth, quite handsome.

    The monk continued to clamor: "After I lost to you in the 3,000-year competition, you will no longer accept my challenge, but you have suffocated me!! Now that you have an apprentice, you can let my apprentice and Your apprentices are fighting each other!!"

    Hearing the monk's words, Wu Youyou felt that the corner of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

    Ling Changting sneered at the monk and said, "Huijue, I am compassionate, how did I teach you such a combative monk?! You couldn't beat me 3,000 years ago, and you still expect your apprentice to make up your face for you in 3,000 years. ?!"

    Hearing Ling Changting calling the monk "Hui Jue", Wu Youyou immediately understood who he was.

    This person is the host of Daxiyin Temple in northern Shenzhou, Master Huijue, who is known as "Fighting to Victory over Buddha".

    Although it is said that the immortal sect cultivates immortal immortals, and the Taoist monks in temples such as Dayin Temple cultivate the Buddha who saves all beings, both parties are the existence of punishing evil and promoting good, so there are many intersections in private.

    Ling Changting and Huijue have a very good relationship.

    Therefore, hearing Ling Changting choking on himself, Huijue was not annoyed, but laughed loudly and replied, "You can provoke me however you want! Anyway, two years later, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime spiritual mountain trial, don't you? Let your baby go?! When you arrive at Lingxiu Mountain, the Emperor Tiangao is far away, you can't protect your little apprentice!

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