Chapter 132

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Chapter 132 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [16]

    After the swearing-in meeting, Lu Qixianmen and his party flew to Yujian in Lingxiu Mountain.

    Ling Changting, as the person with the highest rank and the highest cultivation level in the sect, was naturally the first to fly.

    Wu Youyou followed Ling Changting closely, flying in the second echelon with Gu Huanshen, the head of Lu Qixianmen, and the elders of Shui and Jin Erfeng.

    ——The four elders of Lu Qixianmen did not come all, leaving two to watch the house on Geshan.

    Behind Wu Youyou are the disciples of each peak.

    After practicing under Ling Changting's gate for more than a year, Wu Youyou's cultivation has become much more advanced than when he first entered Lu Qixian gate. Yu Jian flew effortlessly, and he could even chat with Ling Changting using secret voice transmission.

    Wu Youyou: [Master, do you see us flying in the sky like a flock of geese? 】

    Ling Changting: 【How do you say this? 】

    Wu Youyou: [Well... I can't tell you clearly! It was when I was a child that I read, and the Master taught an article about the scene of the wild geese flying south. 】

    Ling Changting: 【What text? You read it to me, maybe I learned it when I was a kid. ]

    Wu Youyou: [Hee hee, you must have never learned it! 】

    Wu Youyou: [I can't remember the text very well, it's probably like this - autumn is here, the leaves are yellow, and a group of geese fly south, forming an 'S' for a while, and a 'B' for a while Word...]

    Ling Changting: [? ]

    Ling Changting: [Not the word 'person' and the word 'one'? 】

    Wu Youyou: 【Wow! Master, you have really learned! 】

    Ling Changting: [......]

    Ling Changting: [I haven't studied it, can I still see the geese flying south? ]

    Ling Changting: [Also, don't swear! 】

    Wu Youyou: 【...Oh! 】

    After being educated by Ling Changting, Wu Youyou exposed Dayan Nanfei.

    After a stick of incense sticks, Wu Youyou finally realized after realizing -

    Huh? ! How does Master know that S|B is a dirty word? !


    the mana bonuses of Ling Changting, Gu Huanshen, and others, Yu Jian, the low-level disciples of Lu Qixianmen, flew much faster than usual.

    However, it took nearly two hours for the group to arrive at the foot of Lingxiu Mountain.

    At this time, there were already some disciples of the cultivator sect waiting there.

    The disciples of all sects and sects all wore their own school uniforms, so Wu Youyou looked at it and basically recognized the sects that came.

    And the one standing at the front wearing a red and black school uniform is naturally the Yanshan faction of "Southern Lubeiyan".

    Wu Youyou saw that the burly middle-aged man standing at the forefront of the Yanshan Sect with his hands behind his back had a similar face to Di Chunying, and knew that he was Di Qiushan, the head of the Yanshan Sect.

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