Chapter 146

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Chapter 146 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [End]

    Ling Changting and Wu Youyou returned to Lu Qixianmen after sealing the gluttonous food in Mingqizhiyuan.

    However, they did not want to go back to Lu Qixianmen to continue to be the master and the little sister-in-law, but to take away the treasures that Ling Changting left at Luqixianmen, as well as the big cats that were captured and locked up by Gu Huanshen.

    Hearing that Ling Changting said he was going to leave, Xiang Zhilan kept asking for a lot of good words, and even allowed him to be the leader of his own, but still could not make Ling Changting change his mind.

    Wu Youyou only found it funny after hearing what Xiang Zhilan said.

    If Ling Changting really wants the position of the head of the head, then Gu Huanshen and you will be the turn?

    Finding that Ling Changting would never change his mind, Xiang Zhilan changed the subject and insisted that all the spiritual treasures Ling Changting left in Lu Qixianmen were taken away by Gu Huanshen, and he refused to hand them over.

    Ling Changting was too lazy to talk so much nonsense with Xiang Zhilan, so he took Wu Youyou directly into the Treasure Pavilion and Library Pavilion of Lu Qixianmen, and found everything that belonged to him one by one.

    Seeing that it was as easy as killing an ant in Ling Changting to clean up the food, where did the disciples of Lu Qixianmen just stepped forward to stop him?

    Xiang Zhilan had already vomited to death in his heart, and he didn't dare to take a step forward. He could only watch Ling Changting dig out all his things and take them away.

    After flipping through the treasure pavilion of Lu Qixianmen, and then copying Xiang Zhilan's residence, Ling Changting looked at the spiritual treasures and secret books he had left on Wuwei Peak and found nine out of ten, so he took Wu Youyou and a few Big cat, Yu Jian left Lu Qixianmen.

    On the way to fly away from Lu Qixianmen, Wu Youyou couldn't help but complain to Xiang Zhilan: "Isn't this Xiang Zhilan's brain not good?! The gluttony is rampant, more than half of Lu Qixianmen's disciples have been killed and injured, she should recuperate, why? On the contrary, I have torn your face with you at this time?! You are a person who is nostalgic. If Lu Qixianmen is in trouble in the future, you will definitely help. If you do this to Zhilan now, won't you cut off Lu Qixianmen's back road? Is it?"

    Ling Changting was amused by Wu Youyou's hatred of iron.

    Turning his head to glance at Wu Youyou, Ling Changting said, "If Xiang Zhilan is such a reasonable person, how could he fall out with Gu Huanshen when Lu Qixianmen needed stability the most and drive him out to replace him? Maybe Gu Huanshen The quality is not very good, but his cultivation base is acceptable and his knowledge is also wide. If he were to be in charge of Lu Qixian Sect, his disciples would not have suffered such heavy casualties in the first 20 years."

    Listening to Ling Changting's analysis, Wu Youyou nodded. He nodded, then shook his head again and said: "Don't mention them! Since no one thought to save you when you were dying in Lingxiu Mountain, don't blame us for ignoring them if they are in trouble in the future! It's just a tat for a tat!"     Speaking of which, Wu Youyou didn't want to mention the conscientious people of Lu Qixianmen again, so he changed the subject and said: "Master! Now that the gluttonous food has been cleaned up, we will also agree with Lu Qixianmen. The boundaries are cleared, then, where are we going next?!"     After hearing Wu Youyou say that, Ling Changting clenched her hand and asked her, "Where do you want to go?"     Wu Youyou smiled and replied, "I I want to go to a place where Master is there! Wherever Master goes, I will follow him!"     "Naughty, you have thrown the problem back to me!" Ling Changting reached out and pinched Wu Youyou's little nose, thinking for a moment , replied, "It's better... let's go back to Lingxiu Mountain."     As long as Ling Changting said, Wu Youyou said yes.     This time, too.     "Okay! Master, let's go back to Lingxiu Mountain!"     ——Ling     Changting and Wu Youyou returned to Lingxiu Mountain together and retired.     After the gluttonous food was sealed, the world returned to peace and tranquility.     Because Lu Qixianmen was specifically targeted by gluttonous, the disciples under the sect were damaged by more than half, and their vitality was severely damaged. They fell from the top 2 of the Xiuxianmen sect at once, and slid to the bottom.     The Yanshan faction is the dominant family.     Another sixty years passed, and the cultivating sect, which gradually recovered its vitality, started the Spiritual Cultivation Mountain Trial again.

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