Chapter 3

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Louis POV:

I'm left alone with this mutt. I'm feeling...nervous. No. No I can't be. It's a natural instinct for a herbivore to be alone with a carnivore. Yet... I don't think this is my instincts

We were walking the halls. In silence. The ice between us was thick.

"Your scared of me aren't you." He suddenly asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Your scared I'll attack you." He said looking down at me.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"I'm right, aren't I. You reek of nerves." He said making me walk slower.

He suddenly pushed me against the brick wall next to me. My back hitting the cold stone. His hands on either side of me so I couldn't escape.

What the-?

He started sniffing me. I could feel this breath on me. His chains around his neck jangled.

"You really need to calm down. I'm not going to eat you. Relax." He said near my ear, his deep voice sending more shivers down my spine. He then straighten up again and carried on walking.

I felt my cheeks flush a bit. What is this feeling? It's foreign to me.

I shook it off before he could notice. I straitened up my tie before walking a bit more.

"So tell me, can you always smell emotions?" I asked him.

"Yeah. My senses are heightened for some reason that is unknown. I can smell what people are feeling by the scents they give off.

I associate different actions with emotions. Let's say an angry carnivore for example. They will try to scratch and go in for a bite. Especially aggressive carnivores. People like that should be locked up." He said looking down at me as we continued walking.

"You know a lot about that. May I ask why?" I asked. He looked away from me.

"I deal with aggressive carnivores on a daily. Especially at work." He spoke.

"Where exactly do you work?" I asked curiosity getting the best of me.

"Oh... Ummm... you wouldn't know it. Anyway enough about me. What do you do in your spare time?" He asked. His honey chestnut gaze on me again. Was he avoiding my question.

"I'm not sure if you would be interested." I said looking in the other direction.

"I'm sure I would be if you just told-" I cut him off.

"Oh look there's the carnivore house." I said completely avoiding his question. "What's your dorm number?"

"171." He replied.

"That would be on the first floor. Just follow the directions and you'll see it. I'd better go. If you need anything, find me." I said before walking away and waving over my shoulder.

Thank goodness I made it out alive.

Diesel's POV:

He seems to be avoiding my question and completely changed the subject. He's hiding something.

I could see a deep sadness in his eyes. Something happened to him. Something. And I want to know what.

I walked into the reception area for my key to my room.

"Good morning! My aren't you handsome." A kangaroo in her mid 20s sad behind the desk.

"Ummm.. thank you." I replied a bit confused of what's happening.

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