Chapter 4

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Diesel's POV:

Walking with Murphy was nice. He's happy which made me happy although I don't show it. He was chatting the whole way. I didn't know how he couldn't run out of topics to talk about.

Yet again, golden retrievers are commonly like this.

"So Diesel? What's Heidi really like?" He asked me pulling me out of my have listening state.

"Oh... you'll get to meet her actually. She arrived here with me. Not surprising as we are twins, but only few know that because not many buy the matching outfit monthly catalogs." I said looking down at him.

"Wait... you and her... are related?" He said in shock. His small eyes expanded.

"Yeah? Why is that so hard to believe?" I said sighing.

"But she's a wolf isn't she?" Murphy asked.

"No. She's a purebred Doberman, like myself." I said. How the hell did he think Heidi, my sister, is a wolf.

"What? No way. She's a wolf! She looks like one. She's fluffy and tall. She's got most of the qualities and traits of a wolf." Murphy spoke. "Maybe you made a mistake?"

"No way! I know she's my twin because we both have the same birth mark. In our wrists. A small heart shaped white patch." I said pulling back the sleeve lining my of my leather.

"Oh. Sorry bro it's just hard to believe." He said smiling again. I'm glad we cleared that up.

I felt uncomfortable with the amount of students watching us currently. I can hear all the whispers of the female student. They are very loud about it. Barely even whispering.

My attention was to a group of mixed species girls. A giraffe, zebra, Ring tailed lemur, leopard and a bengal tiger. I couldn't help but overhear what they were saying. I didn't look their way, not to notify them I had any interest in them, but my ears faced them so I could pick up exactly what they were saying. The lemur was holding one of the Claws & co catalog. The newest one that had me on the front cover in a grey suit and sunglasses. I know I was also on the page spread of 9 and 10.

"Oh my goodness! Look at the tall Doberman!" Zebra exclaimed.

"I've never seen him here before." The tiger said looking back to her friends.

"He must be one of the new students." The giraffe said bending her neck down so her head was in line with her friend's head hight.

"You've got to admit he's hot." The zebra giggled.

"No way!" The lemur exclaimed.

"What?" The leopard asked.

"Look! It''s him! Here see!" The lemur gestured to the open catalog in her paws. The girls crowded around her and looked over her shoulder as the lemur squealed like a fan girl. "He's diesel!"

"What are the chances! You're right Tessa, he is hot." The leopard spoke.

I grabbed Murphy's hand and sped off down the hall and around the corner.

"Bro what's going on?" Murphy asked being dragged behind me. We came to a stop before I let go of his wrist.

"Those girls recognised me and I don't exactly have the time right now. Heidi is mad at me anyway and she will be fuming if I'm later than I already am." I said.

"Well, the drama club is that building there... number three. The music club is next to it, being number two, and is where I'm gonna be. Maybe we could grab dinner with the others after?" Murphy asked.

"Yeah... yeah sounds good. I'll meet you outside drama club then." I said as I walked over to the building waving over my shoulder and then stuffing my large paws in my pockets.

I reached the door and opened it. It slammed back which force I didn't mean to put in.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. The herbivores jumped at the sudden noise.

There was a stage with a few background props were put out and a few wooden fake swords were placed on the ground. Everyone was huddled into groups. Heidi was leaning against the wall on the side of the room. She looked at me and scowled, then looking away from me. I knew I was in trouble.

"Can we help you?" A peacock asked me.

"I'm the new member of the actor's team in the drama club. Sorry I'm late." I said bending down a bit so I was about his head height.

"Ah yes. Your the new students right? That explains the girl over there." He said smiling. "I'm Dom by the way."

"Nice to meet you." I said standing back up.

"Why don't the both of you introduce yourselves?" Dom said walking towards the group.

"Yeah give me a second." I said walking over to Heidi.

"Hey sis." I said. I knew I was treading on eggshells. She glared at me and looked away from me. It wasn't the first time I was given the silent treatment. "I'm sorry I'm late. I'm sorry you had to deal with these people without me."

I knew Heidi hated people. She was introvert through and through. She hated social events without me to save her.

"Just don't do it again." She finally spoke. I petted her head with my paw before we both walked towards the group.

I heard some of the members talk about us.

"Are they dating?" A flamingo asked her friends.

"I don't know. They seem close so maybe?" A hippo said.

"Gotta say the dude is kinda smoking hot. I'm kinda hoping not." A leopard said to the group of chatting girls. She giggled after her sentence, causing the other girls to laugh too.

I sighed at the girls words. Can't I go one day without people finding me 'hot' in which I don't think I am. And ew! Me dating my sister? Ew gross no, no! A hundred times no!

"Anyone else thing he looks kinda familiar?" A bengal tiger spoke. Everyone around him looked at me and nodded.

"Hey everyone! Stop talking about them as if they are not here! That is very rude ya know." Dom said sternly at the group. "Now let them introduce themselves."

I took that as my queue to start talking. "Hey I'm a Doberman and I'm in the second year. This is Heidi and is a Doberman too. Before anyone asks; no we aren't dating." I said looking around the group.

"Hey, we never caught your name!" A Zebra called out, raising her hand.

That's the whole point! I don't want you to know my name. You'll recognise me instantly if I do tell you.

"Oh... well.." Luckily I didn't have to say much more before the doors opened again and a deer entered. A deer that was familiar.


I can tell, as soon as he walked in, I'm not going to have it easy. I might need a cigarette after this.

(A/n: HEY LOVELIES! I just want to say, that I'm against smoking. I hate it. But it is crucial to this story and to Diesel's personality. I just want to say that because I don't want to seem like I encourage it. I despise it and always will. Not to say I have something against the people who do smoke, it's just my personal preference. Please understand this.

Anyway, see you next chapter

Xxxx 💖😍)

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