Chapter 16

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Louis's POV:

I heard a deep growl and a thud from behind me. My eyes widened at the sight.

Bill and Tao.

Tao was back down on the floor. Bill was on top of Tao, straddling him, holding him down and pushing his face up and into the ground.

"Take that BACK!" Bill yelled growling and exposing his fangs. The herbivores jumped back in worry and fear, but mostly fear. Even I was taken by surprise.

"!" Tao managed to stutter. The amount of force Bill was putting into Tao's jaw was undoubtedly his full strength, gripping him tightly.

"I said TAKE IT BACK!" Bill yelled again.

I was about to intervene the two male carnivores but was beaten to the mark.

"ENOUGH! Both of you!"

Heidi spoke up. I looked at her in surprise. The two males stopped frighting looked up at her.

"Enough. Please! Can't you see? Look around. The herbivores are terrified at the sudden commotion! We, as carnivores, we taught to respect one another and forgive. Never act upon our anger to anyone! Please this is one of the only mixed species clubs in the school, don't ruin the peace! Please let's abide by differences and get along!" Heidi spoke with passion. She begged the two to stop.

"But he-" Bill started but was cut off.

"No! No Bill. I don't care who started it or who said what. Please just kiss and make up... please. For the sake of other's peace."

"Fine." They both said. Bill removed himself and got up. Offering his paw to the panther on the floor. The panther took it and was pulled off the floor.

They looked at each other before leaning in and pecking each other on the lips.

"I forgive you." Tao spoke.

"I forgive you." Bill repeated back.

"I didn't actually mean kiss, but... I guess that works too..." Heidi spoke surprised.

(Heidi be like 👁👄👁)

I looked at the two carnivores shocked. They both turned a deep beetroot red and turned away from each other at the misinterpretation.

Tao cleared his throat trying to hide the obvious blush on his face. "Look at the time! It's almost the end of dinner time. And curfew is soon. We'd all better leave." Tao rushed out of the room in a blushing mess.

"Bill what was that about?" June asked him.

"What? Heidi said kiss and make up so we did." He replied.

"You idiot! You didn't take a moment to think that was a metaphor? You would cheat on me just like that?" She said welling up.

"What? No! Baby of corse not! It was just a kiss!" Bill said trying to hug her but got pushed away.

This is ironic. She would cheat on him in a heartbeat, but if the tables turn she freaks out? Wow, what a hypocrite.

"Yeah that's what they all say! But it always turns into more." She said tears now flooding down her face. Her mascara running down her white and black striped fur. "The roomers are right! You are a player! You messed up Bill, we're over!"

She stormed out the room. Crying and sobbing as she went. Just like out of a teen romcom movie.

"Aren't you gonna go after her?" Heidi asked Sheila.

"Me? Why me?"

"She considers you her best friend. Be there for her!" Heidi said placing a paw on Sheila's shoulder making her blush.

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