Chapter 17

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Louis' POV:

"What was the other emotion?" I asked.


He can get all that from a scent? Betrayal?

"So a lover maybe? A crush?" I asked aloud.

"Can't be. Legoshi came to my room yesterday. He told me everything about Tem. His first crush to never having a kiss. I know everything about him now. It's much clearer." Diesel spoke before looking at me.

Legoshi... went to his room?! My fists clenched. A tsunami of anger washed over me. Legoshi alone with Diesel in his room? What else did they do?Why did Legoshi go there in the first place?

"Who was his crush?" I asked him.

"Els. The alpaca in the dance team." He spoke turning away from me again.

"Does she know?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Eventually. Not in his lifetime though. Legoshi revealed his crush for him the next day." He said crouching down and looking at marks on the floor.

"Who do you think did it then?" I asked.

"It's hard to tell at this point but I know it's a big carnivore. Impossible to be Kai or someone like that. I have one possible suspect from what I have heard about them." Diesel spoke tracing claw marks of the floor with his large paws.

"Who's that?" I asked

"Bill." He said standing back up.

(✨Insert dramatic music ✨)

"Bill? Why?" I asked shocked.

"The blood he drank. To 'pep himself up' wasn't that what he said. Yeah...that's a myth. It only increases blood lust or decreases it if you have eaten someone recently. I studied it with my father's friends who is a psychiatrist for the black market. He said that drinking bits of blood is a coping method but a bad one. Once that stops working, your bound to eat another herbivore before you could say harmless." He said looking at me, the chains around his neck jingling together slightly.

"Your telling me Bill, the bengal tiger of the drama club... could have eaten Tem?" I asked him. He just looked at me. His eyes telling me that is was a possibility. "No... Bill couldn't have. He wouldn't!"

"Didn't he attack Legoshi in front of the whole school in the auditorium?" Diesel asked.

"That's not the-"

"Yes or no?" He interrupted me.

"Yes... but-" I started but was interrupted...again.

"There are no buts when your defending murder. If I'm right there should be a few strands of fur or something like that around here. The murderer left in a sloppy way. Not bothering to clean up the blood. Obviously in grief." Diesel said grabbing my tie and dragging me away.

"H- hey! I can walk on my own!" I said grabbing his wrist.

He stopped and looked at me. I looked into his deep honey eyes. I felt myself moved without thinking.

I pulled him into me. Hugging him tight. My heart was racing.

"L..Louis~" Diesel stuttered. I inhaled his scent. He smelt like smoke and woodland. A warm scent but the smoke stung my nose.

My hand felt something in his pockets. Box like. I put my hand in his blazer pocket and withdrew a box of cigarettes.

"Diesel... what are these?" I asked him. He pulled away from the hug and looked at me. I showed him my hand that held the box.

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