Chapter 51

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Diesel POV:

"I...I... of course I will!" He said sitting up and hugging me excitedly. He's so adorable.

I hugged him back, my boyfriend cradled me in his arms. He kissed me on my nose and head, making my stump of a tail wag.

My boyfriend is Louis! How did I pull that?

"I don't know much about you though. I want to know more about you." He said still smiling.

"How about a game of questions. The game where you ask the other person a question and they have to answer truthfully. No lies, all the real answers." I said sitting up.

"I like that idea. Seeing as we are skiving school, we might as well learn something." He spoke laughing a bit.

"Rock paper scissors to see who goes first." I said smiling.

"Let's do."

"Rock Paper Scissors!" We both said in union.

I pulled a rock while he pulled a paper.

"Darn!" I groaned.

"Looks like I get to ask you something first." He said laughing. "Not to hard, what's your favourite subject."

"Law and order." I said confidently.

"Makes sense you want to be a police officer when your older." He said looking at me.

"Your turn, what's your favourite food?" I asked.

"Easy, celery." He said with a smile.

"Celery? I guess that makes sense... your a herbivore after all." I said laughing.

"Your turn, same question."

I thought for a moment.

"Ummmm... uhhhhhh...."

"Oh god, it's meat isn't it." Louis spoke in a scared tone.

"What? No! Absolutely not! My favourite food is Tofu. I never eat meat, it's wrong and disgusting."

"Okay good, I thought you were into meat and I would have to worry you would eat me."

"Babe, you don't have to worry about that. I cross my heart I will never eat meat. I swear."

"Okay, I believe you."

"Good. It's... your turn. What's your favourite song?" I asked him.

He thought for a moment before replying.

"Miserere - Its Evolution by The Sixteen & Harry Christophers." He said with full confidence.

"Classical music?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Are you disgracing the art of classical music in my presence, how dare you." He said pretending to be hurt. I gave him my 'seriously?' look. "What about you, then."

"Well.. I don't think you'd like it." I said sighing and smiling. "Especially when you think I'm a goth."

"Try me."

I pulled out my phone and searched my favourite song on beastfinder.

I clicked on it. And it started playing out my speakers. I sang every word, I knew it off by heart.

He looked at me.

"I didn't have you down as that type of person... that's not what you pre-tray as." He said looking at me.

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