Chapter 46

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(An: part 2 of things my dog does that doesn't make sense: loves playing with and holding apples.

Idk why but maybe he thinks it a ball? But it must have a twang to it.

Sorry I don't have a motivation to write this chapter, I just got rlllyyy hurt by the one person who I thought never would... so yeah.. yk how it is. I'll continue to write and all and my wifi is back. I just want for let you know just in case my writing style changes for any reason half way through the chapter.

Enjoy :))

Diesel's POV:

The head master welcomed me back with open arms. He really doesn't need to be nice all the time. It's sickening sometimes.

I quickly went to my dorm to change into my pe kit as I was too lazy to get into my usual school uniform.

Luckily, my dorm was empty so I could go unnoticed. It only took me exactly 15 minutes to get changed and registered again, so I made my way to the cafeteria.

There were crowds of girls and guys in one spot in the corridors.

What the hell?

"Louis! Omg Louis!" Girls cried blushing madly.

"The main lead in Adler! He's so handsome!" Another girl cried.

"Louis? The next beastar?" One herbivore guy spoke to his herbivore friends as they nodded. "We are in the right hands if he's the next beastar."

"Please can I get your autograph Louis?" Another girl said reaching forward trying to touch him.

He came forward through the crowd, the mass of crowd splitting off to the side like the Red Sea.

He locked eyes with me and approached me.

"Look who's all popular with the ladies." I said smiling at him.

"Don't even, it's annoying sometimes." He replied.

"Admit it, you love the attention." I said smirking.

"I do not. It get on my nerves."

"What about... my attention." I whispered close to his ear. He looked stunned and turned a deep shade of red.

"Haha, got ya. Come on, let's go to breakfast." I said walking into the cafeteria with him.

The deafening found of chatter and cutlery on plates filled the hall.

I got in line for the carnivore breakfast while Louis got the herbivore breakfast.

I got a bean steak, scrambled eggs, milk and bread.

I made my way to a table for two in the medium section of seating. Louis approached me and sat opposite me, putting down his tray on the table before sitting.

I didn't think about if he was okay for me to eat a carnivore breakfast in front of him. Would he be okay with it?

"Oh... are you okay for me to eat this in front of you? I know some herbivores freak when carnivores eat around them." I said looking at him in the eyes.

"Of course. I'm not just an herbivore. I don't care what you eat as long as it's not actually meat." He spoke confidently. 

"I don't eat real meat. I prefer a vegetarian diet. If it wasn't for milk and eggs, I would be vegan. But there's something about milk and eggs I can't stop eating, you know?"

"No... I don't. I've never tried it." He said looking at me.

"Wait... never?" I asked dumfounded. He only shook his head lightly. "Do you wanna try some?"  I asked not knowing if it's okay for a herbivore to try products made by animals.

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