Chapter 55

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Louis' POV:

I sat in the room sat against the door. I sighed looking up. I could hear the rain on the roof above me.

My arm stings, really bad. That lion came in about 10 minutes ago and cut my arm with his claws. Apparently someone wants a taste of it before the see me.

I'm probably up for sale or some other stuff that I wouldn't know about as I'm stuck in here.

Looking down, my ears drooped in loneliness. I sighed, lifting my head up and yelled.


My voice rung out through the room. I could only hope I was heard.

They can't just leave me... in my jail of solitude.

A gunshot ran through the corridors outside making my ears prick up. I got to my feet. What's going on?

The lock was filled with a noise. Someone unlocking the door. They heard me!

The door opened, and a girl in a skull mask stood there.

"Who... are you?" I asked looking at her.

"It doesn't matter number 4, we need to get out of here now!" The girl spoke putting her paw on my shoulder and pulling my arm, making me follow her out the door. "The name's Stacey! People call me Stace, you can call me what you will. I couldn't care less."

"I'm Louis. Not number 4." I said walking out after her.

"Whatever." She said rolling her eyes. "Whatever you do, don't look back or at any walls, only look down. They will ease their way into you mind and corrupt you like they did with Marco. Don't let them into your brain."

"Who?" I asked

"The Shi Shi gumi of course. They have mind games at every corner to trick herbivore minds. Illusions, puzzles, brain twisters. Call them what you will, but they are everywhere. Designed to catch a herbivore in distress. They will brain wash you and make you like a deer in headlights, excuse the pun. These games will stop you in your tracks, throwing you off where the exits are. Just keep your head down and latched onto me Boss won't be happy if you don't make it out of here. And it will be my head on the line." Stacey spoke dodging and weaving in and out of the hallways, dodging booby traps.

(Hehehehhe booby traps heheheheh.... *sigh*... I'm to immature for this 🥲)

"Your boss? What's he got to do with anything?" I asked.

"What do you think? We were hired to get you out of here, for a hefty amount too. Whoever wants you out, wants you out pretty badly to pay that much. So which carnivore did you annoy?" Stacey asked.

"I never-" I began but was quickly shut off.

"Cut the 'I never annoyed any carnivore' trash, you know that's utter rubbish!" Stacey said in a fed up voice.

I sighed and said in a small voice. "To be honest, most carnivores don't like me because they know that as soon as I'm elected for Beastar, then the carnivores are in a red danger zone. They know their rights will change, not on my own accord, by the other head masters and mistresses of schools across Japan."

"Well, this guy sounded worried, obviously a rich daddy's boy but our boss is doing everything he can to keep you safe. If your harmed in any way, that dude will have our heads. All of ours." She said sighing in frustration.

"Your boss?" I asked.

"Yeah kid we are the new upcoming Mikkusu Gumi! Our boss Die- I mean... never mind his name. Who knows who you'll yap to after this! Maybe the police and then we would have to eat you." She said in a threatening voice. "And that would be a shame." She then said in a whisper.

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