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OMG THANK YOU FOR 100K READERS I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! I never had thought when I started my book that I'd reach 100k readers! This is amazing thank you all so so so much!

I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while as I'm where my family originally came from  SCOTLAND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 !!

I've really embarrassed myself a few times here which I'll explain in full detail here:

1) getting the bus from the city of Edinburgh to the park and ride where our car was.

It was about 7 ish pm and my fam was late for the bus as we had previously gotten locked in the train station 2 minutes prior (we needed a wee and the doors were shut to the service station on the side so we had to take a detour through the platforms to get up the escalators and onto the street, walk 5 blocks down the road to the bus stop for bus 33) so we were a little late but made it.

I saw sat on the seat that was opposite the stairs to the upstairs of the double decker, yk the ones that fold down if there was a wheelchair on board it could slot in there, yk that one, with the rlly non squishy cushion to 'brace' the wheelchair in an event of a stop?

So I was sat there, there was no railing. My dad was sat next to me with the family dog (Albus Dumble paws (Albie/pawsy/pawsy pops)) where there was a railing next to them so no one fell out the exit doors on the side. My mum had been separated and sat opposite my dad on the first row of the facing forward chairs.

Directly opposite my dad was a family and an assistance dog, the mother was deaf and the daughter and dad were assisting the mother as well as the dog helping out too.

So we were driving around a BUSY city at around 40mph when the driver decided to make a ABRUPT stop. No warning just slammed them breaks to the floor.

I was on my phone messaging my boyfriend who had just finished his work shift at the pub he works for as a chef. I didn't even know that we were stopping.

I slid off my chair sideways, into the rlly hard cushion that's used to 'BRACE' people for a stop, and then plopped onto the bloody floor!!!

My dad was talking to me too; and he said I was there one minute, looked away for a SECOND, turned back and I was gone!

The deaf lady helped me up as my dad was CREASED laughing while I just led there unable to move; squished into a corner of the bus. If it wasn't for her and down to my dad I would still be on the bloody bus!

2) Witnessing a woman wee herself while dancing drunk in the street.

She was absolutely out her mind drunk, dancing to a street performer's gig. She was doing terrible dancing and trying to get everyone else to join her with singing, dancing and clapping when my dad started to record the set cause they were quite good, she so happened to be in the shot. She was dancing a terrible attempt at a moon walk when her cargos went from beige to brown as it got wet. We then slowly realised she had had a wee in her cargos.

She didn't notice and carried on dancing.

Later on that evening after we had food and went to the train station to go to the toilet. My sister and her boyfriend, went to the toilet while mother, father and I, with pawsy, were waiting in turns to puppy sit.

The same lady came out the station and immediately started to give fuss to Albie, which he did not take kindly to. He doesn't like people who are somehow dirty in any way shape or form, and he could smell the wee radiating from her Cargos so he was not impressed. She then moved on after 10 minutes of talking to us in an accent none of us could understand so it was a matter of fake laughing and replying 'haha yea.' Even if it was a question cause, we didn't know what the f she was saying.

3) witnessing a man pull down his trousers and having a dump in the middle of the day.

My dad and I were walking over the bridge to the train station earlier in the day. Where I looked down the road into the drop off zone in the train station. Where I saw a man with a can of monster on the floor, pull down his trousers to have a, what I can only describe as runny, poo, on the side of the road. It was literally falling out of him. It was.. a terrifying image which I turned to my dad, who witnessed the same thing. He went completely white and green, and I felt pale myself. Then.. the stench hit us, it smelt like PURE sewage. I dry heaved, and I don't think my dad could resist doing so if it was any worse. Even my dog gave a vomity cough and we quickly hurried up to my mum sister and her boyfriend who were all walking in front of us.

It would have been so much better if my boyfriend was with me/were with me (I'm still in Scotland) and it's been almost 2 weeks since I saw him last.

I am currently on Ft w him and he's begging me to let him read my book although he's not watched Beastars. Do you think I should let him?

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