Chapter 27

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Time skip to Saturday

~ 9 pm ~

Diesel's POV:

I was in my room getting changed into my bouncer uniform while Bruno, Murphy and sparky were playing twister in the middle of the room. Bruno spinning the spinner on the board while Murphy and Sparky were bending themselves into a pretzels trying to reach each coloured dot with the correct body part.

The rules were that the spinner has to spin the board. The spinner has to call out the body part and the colour it lands on. The player that has their turn, has to move that body part to the one of the correct coloured dots on the playmat that displays the colour of dots. Each colour of dots are displayed in rows, not in random places on the mat. If you fall down, your out. The last player on the mat is the winner.

"Murphy, left leg on blue." Bruno spoke looking at the fumbling pair on the floor twisted over each-other. Sparky was on his back in a bridge position wile Murphy was over his torso in a downward dog position.

"Oh man! How the hell am I going to do that? The red dots are where my hands are!" Murphy said laughing.

"Give up small fry, you know you've lost!" Sparky laughed.

"But if I fall, I'll be taking you down with me, meaning we both lose!" Murphy laughed. "Admit it large fry, your in check mate!"

"Hurry up and move, your stepping on my tail," sparky said leaning his head back.

"Okay, okay! Hold your horses."

Murphy tried to take his foot over Sparky, half crushing him. In the movement, Murphy wobbles and falls on top of Sparky, making them both fall to the floor in a thud.

I winced at the two abnormal looking, twisted dogs on the floor.

"The flat below us isn't going to be happy, what are you doing anyways?" I asked standing over them.

"Having fun!" Murphy chirped looking at me upside down, still on top of Sparky.

"You all are just a bunch of puppies aren't you." I laughed.

"Want to play?" Bruno asked me.

"Absolutely not." I laughed.

"Awwww come on Diesel! Pleaseeeee!!!" Murphy begged giving me the puppy eyes. Now sitting in a kneeling position, off sparky, with his hands clasped together, full on begging.

I bent down to ruffle his head.

"Sorry Murphy but I have to get ready for work." I said walking to the bathroom. He was acting like a child.

"Oh... okay." He said kinda depressed.

I felt bad for bringing him down.

"Maybe another time. Okay?" I asked him looking over my shoulder.

His smile returned and his clouds covering his sunshine had disappeared. "Okay!" He said smiling.

I walked to the mirror, tying my bow tie, tilting my head up. Bruno entered the room. He was looking at me from behind me, I could in the mirror.

"Your quite strange." He spoke blankly.

I looked at him in the mirror. His eyes drifted to the mirror, making eye contact through the mirror. His brown eyes met mine.

"Excuse me." I said looking at him directly.

"I said your quite strange."

"What makes you say that?" I said finishing my bow tie.

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