Hey all

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Hey Lovlies! 

Im officially back! Im not taking any more time out and I'm acc gonna finish the book and the sequel!

I've had an emotional and mental journey and it was... traumatic in places but I've been encouraged to write again.

My bf has been encouraging me to finish it and if I do I get to have a movie night with him and watch my favourite movie of all time: BIG HERO SIXXXXX!!! WOOOO!!!

I've come to the conclusion that my name is Alec and my pronouns are IDK/IDC! Ppl will see me how they want to cause I can't he bothered to correct them when they call me she. I'm just lazy 🤪.

Yea idk what my gender is but I will go by Alec, or Ems.

Anywho I'm back! And I'm reppin to go so the next update is already under way!

See you there!

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