Chapter 21

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Louis' POV:

That was close! We almost got caught. Especially by Heidi. How would she react to me kissing Diesel?

I walked the back stage, checking anything and everything to make myself look busy. I remembered that I must stink of Diesel. I have a scent neutraliser in my office.

I walked to my office to grab the bottle. I took the cap off and strayed it all over me. No one should be able to tell, not even a sensitive wolf nose like Legoshi's.

Putting the bottle back in my desk draw, I straightened my tie and the cuffs of my shirt. I felt an ache. Coming from the root of my antlers. They were going to sshed and fall off soon.

Luckily I have a pair of fake antlers moulded especially for me. They were the exact shape and size of my real ones so no one could tell the difference.

Until that time comes, I'll act as if it doesn't hurt, like I have always done. I have a high pain tollerence. Unlike most people in this school. The girls faint at the slightest chipped nail, and the guys beat each other up.

Legoshi just annoys me. He acts like a herbivore, like hes scared of his own strength. In my oppinion its a bit strange. Diesel in the other hand, isnt affraid to show his dominance over other carnivores in the club. He's already put Bill in his place although Bill's ego is strong willed and will probably start a fight at some point.

I walked down the hallways again seeing Diesel, in the storage room, holding a pair of mens ballet pointe shoes. Jet black silk ones that are well worn. He sighed before sitting down and slipping them on and tieing the ribbons around his ankles.

I was intrigued. I leaned on the wooden door frame. Watching him closely. He had gotten up and walked to the middle of the wooden room. He started dancing to the music.

He was graceful. Especially for a carnivore his size.

He did a line of pirouettes before leaping into the air, doing the splits before landing without sound. He then positioned himself going into pointe on one foot and lifting the other foot up behind him. I heard a click before Diesel fell to the floor.

I gasped. He whined in pain. I entered the room and rushed to his side, bending down to see his injuries if he had any.

"Diesel! Are you okay?" I asked worry lacing my tone of voice.

"Louis?" He asked confused. "Yeah... I'm fine." He spoke looking at me.

I cupped his face in my hand. His fur was extremely soft and glossy. He smiled and leaned into the touch.

"Are you sure?" I asked him looking into his honey eyes. "I can make some rearrangements so your not in the dance team

"I'm positive. It's just an old ballet injury that never healed properly. That's why I quit, I was scared to go back to the studio after that. After a bad fall in a show in front of thousands of animals, I broke my ankle and you can probably guess the rest. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm glad your pushing me to do this. I need to face my fear." He spoke getting up off the floor.

I sat there on the floor. I watch him get up and walk over to his phone, stopping the music.

"Say, is the red deer Louis giving special treatment to one of his co workers." Diesel spoke giving me a sly look. "Should I feel honoured or pitied?"

"Don't get used to it. It's only you I'm nicer to." I spoke getting up as well.

"Well, I like it." He spoke as I walked closer to him. He grabbed my tie and pulled me in, planting a small kiss on my lips. I returned the kiss, making it deeper. I

He put his large paw behind my head and near the base of my antlers, a little pain shot down my head but I didn't mind as it wasn't to bad. He then moved his hand up a bit more making me pull back and yelp in pain. Breaking the kiss accidentally.

"Louis... are you okay?"He asked me.

"Yeah I.. I'm completely fine, why?" I said acting and lying through my teeth.

"You yelped in pain." He said sniffing the air. I looked at him confused for a moment while he trailed closer and closer to my antlers.

He then opened his eyes and pulled back.

"Louis your in pain. You stink of pain and fake happiness. Your antlers smell tender and you yelped in pain when I touched the skin around them. I've heard of these symptoms. Your shedding is near, isn't it?" He asked with a sympathetic tone.

"How did you guess? I didn't know you knew about deer things." I said sighing. "Do I really make it that obvious?"

"No, I just have a sensitive nose. If I didn't have, I wouldn't have known. Anyway, I studied all animal behaviours and instincts of different species. Shedding antlers is a regular occurrence in male deers. Just because your superior doesn't mean you don't get them." He said laughing to himself. "Is that why you were seen with a pair of fake ones from the infirmary."

"You should be a detective." I said looking up at the large doberman. He laughed and scratched his neck.

"That's what I'm aiming for." He said before sitting down on the floor and taking off the ballet shoes. "So, I wanted to ask you what we are."

"What do you mean?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

"What are we? We've kissed multiple times but I can't tell what we are. Are we dating or..." Diesel trailed off.

"Well.. I haven't thought about this. What do you want us to be?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should leave things as they are right now between us, until we figure things out." Diesel suggested.

"Yeah that's a good idea." I agreed.

"Anyway, you'd better get out there again. People must be missing your presence." He spoke getting up again.

"Okay... I'll see you out there." I said turning and leaving.

"Oh and Diesel?"


"Please don't tell anyone that my shed is coming. I don't want to be gossiped about in a bad manor."

"Of course I won't."


Heyyyyy Lovlies!

Here is the next chapter! What do you think?

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Anyway, I'll start posting estimated publication dates of this book as y'all are so eager that I love to see!

Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!

Bye 💖


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