Chapter 64

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Louis' POV:

"Louis... I'm going to eat you~" Diesel breathed heavily.

"What?" I said with a laugh.

"I saw a flashback..." he began as he choked up.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a slight giggle of a breath.

"You heard me. Im going to eat you.'

Dogs struggle to eat quite a lot of things, I'm guessing venison is one of them. Although they are direct descendants of wolves, it could be a ancient delicacy, that... that could be true but for Diesel? No hes just a puppy dog, in my eyes.

I kissed him on the forehead. "No youre not. It was just a dream, dont let it get to you, okay?" I whispered.

He gave a scowl of thought mixed with the expression of worry. He looked at me, as I gave a warm smile, which he sighed and finaly spoke "Fine... I'll let it go."

"Diesel?" I asked.


"Tonight is a full moon, I want to take you somewhere... could you maybe arrange a car for us so we can be picked up, around about 7 pm? I've let the head know we wont be here sp dont worry about house mistresses." I spoke getting up and standing above him

"Sure. I'll arrange a limo." he spoke looking up at me.

I nodded and gave a smile, i turned to leave and opened the door. "Oh, and dress smart. Tonight is a... special night... after all." and with that i left, leaving him in silence.

Diesel's POV:

Seeing my man's sillouheut is always something to behold, his masculine frame blocking the light, his antlers curled in their full glory, any girl's jaw, and certainly mine, would drop at the sight of him, and i see it all over the hallways, girls and guys stop to beholder whats mine.

Louis is a strange character, the emphisis on Special night makes me wonder what he is up to, a trick? A plan? A scheme? A twisted way of me meeting his dad cause we both have denied seeing and speeking to each other, ever. A mixed species relationship is frowed upon, but a gay herbivore and a carnivore relationship? Hell no, he'll ban me from seeing louis forever.

Either way, I dont like the deer. I've only ever seen him in major comany board meetings before, the 12 biggest companis of Japan come together to discuss trends and fashion rates and latest eco friendly descoveries. Louis' father's, or Ogma as I know him, face always remained the same: stern and looked like he had either 1) been punched in the privates, or 2) wanted to punch someone in the privates. Either way he only grunted at everyone's contrabutions to the conforance each 6 months and never pitched his own ideas, I began to wonder if he could actually understand us and communicate. It became clear that he could but was majoryly antisocal or rude. It was only when ordering a 4 course meal that was provided at the meetings, that I'd heard his voice.

I found that Ogma and my dad never had gotten along very well, my dad being a tiger and Ogma being an anti-carnivore herbivore. The meeting was always herbivore dominated, herbivores just always did well in life due to being a non threat to society. Carnivores have to work especially hard, around 3x harder than a herbivore just to get in the same position and level playing feild.

Life just wasnt fair, especially for a carnivore, but you learn to live.

Either way, Louis and I are a power couple, no steriotypes going to stop us acheiving what we want to. Not even Ogma.

But what does Smart clothing mean? As in black suit and tie event? Or smart as in a fresh pair of cargos an jumper smart? I don't have a clue. My last suit is coveered in tiger blood from my fight and i dont have enogh time to go to my family owed store in the mall to get another fitted. Heidi! She'll know what to do!

I went to go stand up but all the blood rushed to my head and my vision went black.

"Sugar! This is what iron defficeiency feels like, my god." I said as i fell onto the sofa with a plop.

I saw some fresh fruit on the table. I went to go pick up a green apple when heidi burst through the door.

"BRO I NEED YOUR HELP!" she said in a panic. I grabbed the apple and wipped i on my sleeve.

"Sure sis, whats up?" I said while i bit into the apple.

"Sheila asked ME out on a date and I dont know what to do!" she exclaimed closing the door and pacing back and forth before me. I chewed on the apple.

"Do you like her?" I asked through my mouthful, still chewing. The apple was a weird consistancy and didnt taste like much, I inspected it closely and found no fault in the apple, so forcefully swallowed, and took another bite.

"Yes.. I mean no? I mean... I dont know? Im confused, I've only been attracted to and dated men now sheila has gone and messed up my love-dar." She spoke still pasing, her cowgirl boots clicking on the wooden foor as she walked.

"Love-dar?" I asked chewing through the mouthful in my mouth, still the flavour bland and the textured had now turned into a gooy mess, i still swallowed but gagged a little as it came back up my throat a tad, so i gave another big swallow to ensure it woukd stay down.

"You know, like gaydar but for people who like me."

"We'll how she make you feel?" I said taking another bite. and chewing vigourously

" I dont know, all fuzzy.. hot around the cheeks and giddy when she compliments me. I dont know Diesel..." She spoke as she stopped pacing to look out the window at the autumn trees growing orange and brown, letting individual leaves fall in front of the window that heidi followed with her eyes. She sighed and her ears flattened. "I dont know how i feel about her... it scares me."

"Heidi, sounds to me that you have a crush on the gal." I said still chewing.

"WHAT? A CRUSH?? IM STRAIGHT!!" She practically shreaked in a high tone, spinning around to look at me, her long fluffy tail poofing in shock.

"Ouch, i didnt knoe you could go that high pitched, and yes its possible, you know theres more than 2 sexualities out there. You could be bisexual, attracted to all genders, or pansexual, or you dont have to lable yourself and just, like who you like. Theres no crime with that." I said making myself swallow yet again.

"I guess..." she spoke looking at the floor.

"Ugh this apple is rank" i spoke under my breath.

"Yea why are you eating a fake apple?" She asked me crossing her arms and looking at me with a confused expression and cocking her head to the side.

"W...What?" I said my eyes widening.

"Yea thats a fake wax apple, for decoration only." She said pointing at it with her sassy nail on her index finger then went to inspect all her fingers, adverting her gaze.

"Why didnt you tell me sooner?!" I said frustrated

"I wasnt paying attention to you, I was focased on me." She said with too much sass. "Anywho, enjoy your 'apple'" she giggled uncontrollably as she left, "Your dumb ass is just too funny, nice to know I have all the brains."

The door shut as i was left again in silence, with a half eaten wax apple in my hand, the rest of it in my stomach.

How will i expain this to louis?

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