Chapter 42

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Heyy Lovlies!

Authors note is up here today. Bc I'm curious. I saw a bar chart of ppl who are furries who watch Beastars and the amount of ppl who aren't but still watch it and the furry amount was higher than the ppl who aren't so... who here are furries? Where is the fandom at?

I totally support them bc they are mainly gay too like myself (well I'm a bi soul but im single, I think? Me and my partner are being friendly atm. I have no idea what that means but I think I'm off the chart :/ ) and they aren't hurting anyone.

I've been looking around to see if I could find out more about the fandom and I came across a YouTuber called Pocari Roo (go check them out, they are funny too) who explained everything about furries and it broke all the stereotypes for me about the fandom. I now know stuff that I wouldn't know about the fandom beforehand.

And it definitely isn't about seggs like most ppl think it is (definitely disagree with that part tho like ewww). It's about socialising, presenting yourself through the art and textiles that is a fursuit and personality you give it.

I myself have a fond memory when I was a child that I love dearly. I was walking down the street with my mother and father when I was idk about 5 and I was terrified of mascots and ppl in suits but some came towards us and they were soooo sweet to me and helped me get over my fear and gave me space until I came around to them. They have me hugs and high fives and I had fun with them. And now I'm fine with them (thank you my local theme park for giving me that fear. Please replace your mascot suit that doesn't have an eye up on its forehead and one on its chin bc that thing gave me nightmares)

I want to help break the stereotypes that they are all seggs obsessed and are attracted to animals bc that is not true at all. As long as they aren't hurting anyone or anything, I give them full support in their hobby. It's also really creative and use cool textiles materials and colours in making their suits.

So where y'all at? Maybe put something in the chat abour your character or fursona if you have one (like it's species, it's name, etc.) I would love to see what we have here.

Anyway, here's the next chapter! Enjoy!


Louis' POV:

~The next day~

It's pouring it down. I stood in the doorway of the drama club, watching students running across campus to be where they needed to be. I called in sick as I'm not feeling like myself.

I'm miss Diesel a lot, and it's been only a day. After heidi came to see me, I re-emerged into the crowd from my hiding spot.

~flashback to day before~

"So, is it true Heidi's real mother and father died?"

"Yes it is, 17 and a half years ago in gunfire. They were in the police, so was I. We were partners when we first started out. We met my wife and his wife in the forces. He was assigned to a mission that I wasn't assigned to and he and his wife died during the mission. Only few came back alive. I promised him before he left that I would look after the twins if something were to happen." The older tiger explained.

"I don't remember my mother." Heidi said looking at the floor.

"She looked a lot like you Heidi. Confidence was her speciality, she didn't take no for an answer, your personality is much like your father's, timid but still strong. Your brother is like your mother; strong willed."

"Do you think Diesel will be okay?" Els asked.

"It's hard to say. He's always said he wanted to go out with a bang."

Beastars: The Beast and LouisWhere stories live. Discover now