Chapter: 34

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(The pic is my puppy Albus Dumble paws (yes like the Harry Potter character. My father named him, not me). He's a poodle cross breed that we've had from a very small puppy. He loves stealing my socks as you can see 😑. He's about 1 1/2 years old now and is a polite gentleman... except when he's compared to his siblings, then he looks like an absolute thug, but the sweetest little guy you could ever meet. Anyway back to the story, sorry I got distracted 😁)
Louis' POV:

That was so strange. So strange. Could... what Diesel said... be real? Could he really feel that way? As a herbivore I couldn't know what he's thinking. Maybe I should get a second opinion on this.

I quickly put on my extra clothes and wrapped the towel around my neck, drying my head with the fabric. Picking up all my things, I exited the bathrooms and into the hallway once again. Other members walked past me, greeting me with a polite good morning. After returning the greetings, I made it to my office.

I took a seat again at my chair and cleaned up the rouge papers that littered the surface. I sighed deeply, leaning back in my chair, the sunlight flooding my face through the blinds once again.

'Does he really think that about me. Does he really just want to use me? Maybe I'll ask him in a minute. He's bound to arrive any second Mm now, practice starts in...' my eyes looked over at the digital clock on my desk '...2 minutes?! How long was I in the bathroom?'

I quickly got up from my desk and fast walked (A/n: more like gay walked 💅✨) to the rehearsal room. Mostly everyone was there. All except the doberman twins.

"Hey Louis. Good morning, how are you?" Els asked me.

"I'm fine thank you Els. Just a little hungover but nothing serious. And yourself?"

"Lucky! You got off lightly from last night. My head is screaming at me. Most of us took the toll but that's the consequence of drinking a large amount." She said smiling, obviously tired.

Everyone gave a hum in agreement.

"Does anyone know where the twins are?" I asked.

"I haven't seen them." Many replied.

"Well... Heidi is in my dorm so I saw her this morning. She went to go see her brother about something. She said she'll be here with him any minute now." Sheila said, sat on the floor with her legs crossed and her hand wresting in her palm.

"Very well. Let's get on with rehearsal. I want a flawless run through with no long or late stage directions, transitions and definitely no muddling up lines by the end of today. The performance is just around the corner. Understand?" I spoke looking down at all the animals sat before me.

"Yes Louis." They all replied in union.

"Good, now get to work-" as I was speaking the doors slammed open and Heidi, in a state of panic, stood at the door panting with a worried look plastered on her face.

"Heidi? What's wrong?" Sheila asked as Heidi walked towards us. She was tense in the shoulders and her lips quivering with worry.

"It's.. it's my brother! He's missing!" She said clapping her hands over her eyes and cheeks and crying softly.

My eyes widened in shock. Missing?

Sheila got up and went to her, placing her paws on her shoulders bending down so her head height is to hers.

"What do you mean missing?" Sheila asked. Heidi removed her hands from her face to talk.

"He didn't come back from the club last night, his roommates haven't seen him since yesterday night before he walked down to have his shift. I've called him many times and texted him but... he's not answering! I've asked Haru and Reen if they've seen him but they haven't seen him since he saw his boss yesterday. He's just...gone!"

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