Chapter 20

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(I'm back! Miss me?)

Diesel's POV:

I walked out of the room. I couldn't help but notice Legoshi's tail wagging behind him. It was... kinda cute.

I shook my head to rid myself of that thought. I liked Louis... didn't I? And he's a wolf, a tall handsome one, he probably has a girlfriend.

I pushed the doors open and walked into the rehearsal room. My sister was sat there tying her ballet shoes.

"Oh, hey bro! Have was-" she stated but stopped half way through.

"What?" I asked tilting my lead to the side.

"Why do you smell like Louis?" She asked eyeing me.

"Well..." I said scratching the back of my neck. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the corner of the room where no one could hear us.

"Hey! What are you doing-" she started but I shushed her.

"Be quiet! The reason I smell like Louis is because we kinda... made out in his office fifteen minutes ago." I whispered.

"You... WHAT?" She exclaimed. I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Shhhhhhhh!!! I told you to be quite idiot!" I whisper yelled. She pulled my hand off her mouth.

"Wait! Your telling me that you.. my big brother who's never had a boyfriend in the beginning of never is dating the red deer and next beastar Louis?" She whisper yelled at me.

"Yeah... kinda. But i don't know if we are dating... that's the thing. He just kissed me after touching my fangs. I can't read that deer at all." I said shaking my head.

"It sounds like he likes you back."

"I don't know about that... maybe he just feels sorry for me." I said looking at the floor.

"How about I ask him for you?" Heidi suggested. I felt the blood drain from my face.

"I don't know about that... what if he doesn't like me back." I said looking at my sister.

"I'm going to ask him and you can't stop me." She said turning away from me and started running.

"Hey! Get back here!" I said running after her, we were both laughing, I lunged at her and tackled her to the floor. Me landing to the side of her so not to hurt her.

She rolled onto her back, still laughing. I chucked and sat into a sitting position.


I looked up. Louis was stood above us, his eyebrow cocked in confusion.

"What are you doing?" He asked tilting his head to the side and up slightly.

"Trying to stop my sister in a completely ridiculous idea of hers. She doesn't know of the risks it could hold." I said through gritted teeth at my sister.

I got up and dusted myself off.

"I need to rehearse my scene. Hey Sheila?" I yelled.

"Yeah?" She replied stretching her arms as she turned to face me.

"I'm gonna use the stage, can you make sure no one interrupts my performance? It's my solo scene." I said looking at the leopard.

"Oki doky!" She said smiling.

"Thanks! Hey Legoshi!" I turned to the wolf on the balcony. He was cleaning the spotlight. He leaned of the edge of the safety railing to talk to me.


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