Chapter 39

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I stood there as I saw diesel walk away. I looked at my dad.

"I know that boy, and I know he's going to do something stupid. I just know it." Dad said sighing and shaking his head.

"Dad, shouldn't we stop him? God only knows what he's planning, he might get himself killed! And it's not the first time he could have either. Remember the time with the pack of wild blood thirsty hyenas in the back alley! He almost died. There were 15 of them and he decided to take them on by himself! What's to say he won't do something crazy like that again?"

"That was Gohin's fault. Not a fault of Diesel's. Heidi, if diesel comes back alive then that's a good thing. Let's just hope he does." Dad said before sighing.

Everyone crowded around my dad to ask him questions about the company and stuff so I decided to step back so my tail wasn't trodden on.

I looked around me.


I turned away from the door and went to the door that lead down the corridor. I pushed them open and ran through.

I stopped at Louis' office. I knocked lightly.

"Louis... it's me." I said lightly. The door opened and the red deer was looking down on me his gaze cold.


"I wanted to check on you?" I said as he opened the door more.

His eyes softened and he walked away from the door allowing me to enter. He walked over to the window. I came in and shut the door behind me.

"Louis? Are... are you okay? I mean no... obviously your not, my brother went missing and then came back for half an hour to go galavanting off again without saying goodbye properly to his boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend." He said abruptly.

"Not yet your not."

"And I might never be. He promised he would be back but he's a terrible lier. He won't come back. And if he does, I won't be here to welcome him home."

"What do you mean?" I asked tilting my head in concern.

"I'm putting myself back out on the dating field. Diesel had his chance to claim me but he failed and then he left me."

"What? Louis... Diesel loves you. Why would you want anyone else! He's the most amazing guy you could ever have, just wait a bit, he'll come back!" I said trying to change the deer's mind.

"But he left me behind. Does that look like a happy ever after to you? You don't get it. No one sticks around forever. I can't wait all my life on a speck of hope that he might, some day, come back me. That's not enough for me to keep waiting around." He said again yelling at me, turning his shoulder towards me.

"Dude, it's been 2 minutes! He's been gone for 2 minutes and your already moving on! You know what, you don't deserve Diesel! I'm sure Legoshi would appreciate and love him more than you. If you want him, you better wait for him, or Legoshi will be the one wearing a silver ring and claiming Diesel for life, with no room for you to fix your relationship with my brother. So make a choice, just know that will be your final choice and there's no going back. I hope your happy with whatever you choose. Just make it the right decision." I left the office slamming the door being me.

Louis... please... Diesel needs you.

Louis' POV:

She slammed the door behind her. I immediately broke down into tears.

Why. Why did he have to leave as soon as he came back to me? Am I really that repellent? I need him. There is no way I'm letting that mutt beat me in the race of winning Diesel's heart over. I can't lose!

I pulled out my phone, my tears dropping onto the screen. I went to my messages and drafted a message to Diesel.

Bambi: Please come back to school. To me. I need you. Don't do what your going to do, please just return and we can talk about this. I'm here for you, just reach out to me. Please... I love you.

I read it over. I hovered over the send button. My thumb hesitated and moved down the screen and held down the backspace button. Deleting the whole message. I fell to the floor and let my phone slip out my hand.

I'm so glad I'm in private. I would never want anyone to see the real scared helpless me, a herbivore calling out to a carnivore to help me and protect me. No... my carnivore.

I need him. I need him so much that he'll never understand. But he left me alone. He left me with no intention to bring me with him or even telling me what he was doing or where he was going. Maybe I don't matter to go as much as he layered on to be. His charms are strong and I'm definitely not immune to them, maybe I fell just a little bit to hard.

Diesel's POV:

~ Mikkusu Gumi HQ ~

"Listen up everyone. Someone close to me was injured badly and is in hospital due to a animal attack. The claw marks have been identified as Lion claw marks. And I have a feeling I know who is out to start beef with out gumi.

Our main rival the Shi Shi gumi." I said standing around a massive oval table that I was hunched over, my troops gathered around me, but not behind me and they all burst out in whispers and chatter. Stacey stood to my left, and axel to my right.

"That would make sense! The shi shi gumi has been known to try get us into war with them. Attacking a member of your close friends, wouldn't be too low for them at all." Stacey said typing away on her tablet. "It's almost a 90% they that would do something like this."

"And I, guys, want gruesome revenge. I want them begging us for their lives." I said with a evil smile. "So get your gear ready, we have a mission."

"Yes Sir!" They all repeated in union, all setting off in ranking order.

I smiled at Stacey.

"Let's go."



Heyyyy Lovlies!

Here is the next chapter and the story plot is now in your hands!

I won't tell you what the options are but it's between A and B bc they are both so good; I can't choose!

So just go with ur gut and choose!

A's vote here in the comments! >

B's vote here in the comments! >

Okay! That's all for now! Don't stay up to long Lovlies!

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