Chapter 24

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Louis' POV:

My heart is racing. Heidi is scaring me.

"So Louis... what I wanted to talk to you about." She spoke with a sly smile. I swallowed the built up saliva in my mouth.

"Oh... and what may that be." I said drea

"What do you feel for my brother?" She said side eyeing me while looking at a red suit.

"Well... I don't know what I feel." I said truthfully.

"You like him though... right?" She asked.

"Well... I can't tell what this feeling is. Love? Hate?" I asked looking at her. Her face has twisted to a scowl.

"You dare hate my brother and I swear you won't be a beastar." She spoke still scowling. Her mood lightening after taking a breath. "I know that you made out with him. I saw you... multiple times. And I also know he gave you a little groom in the storage room."

"What? How did you know that!" I asked with desperation.

"Well.. my brother is a kiss n' tell type. At least to me." She spoke smiling. "And the same for me. Although I've.... never kissed anyone." She admitted.


"Yep! It takes me a while to open up. Probably why people don't really like me. They only take me for my looks and that I'm a model and my family is wealthy or whatever. Anyway, that's besides the point.

There is another guy that's interested in Diesel. If you want him your going to have to act fast. This guy has talked to me about his crush on my brother. If you don't figure out your feelings, the other guy will take my brother, he has a strong will and will get what he wants. Time is ticking Louis. I want it to be you personally. I know my brother really likes you. Just please... figure yourself out soon."

She spoke looking at the floor. My eyes widened. I'm... loosing Diesel?

"Who?" I asked anger flooding my voice.

"I can't say. I promised I wouldn't."

I tilted my head down. I gritted my teeth and grinded them in anger, making wrinkles appear on my nose. Why should I care? But... yet I do.

"Ooo this one is nice!" Heidi said making me snap out of my anger.

She pulled out a red suit, black button up shirt with a black tie and black chinos. I like it. Leaning over, I checked the price tag. My eyes widened. It was over 32157¥.

"Oh ignore the price, I have a discount card for about 90% off each item." She spoke smiling. "Go and try it on!"

I made my way to the changing rooms. I took off everything I was wearing and slipped on the suit. The cotton felt nice on the fur I had to admit. I didn't get a electric shock like from some other suits I have tried.

Pulling everything on, I straightened the tie and cuffs. Looking at myself in the full length mirror, I liked it very much. Leaving the changing rooms, and walked out to see Heidi. She smiled as soon as she saw me.

"LOUIS YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!" She exclaimed.

"I do like it. It's light on the shoulders and no static on my fur." I replied patting my arm.

"It's settled then, your wearing that. Also... I had a little tip that my brother likes guys in suits." She winked at me.

My cheeks flared red. She laughed and looked over my shoulder. Suddenly her cheeks flushed and her laugh immediately stopped. Confused, I looked behind me to see what she was looking at.

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