Chapter 10

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Diesel's POV:

"Diesel?" A female voice came form behind me.

I stopped in my tracks. That voice was very familiar. I looked over my shoulder.

"Reen?" I asked looking at her.

"Oh my goodness it is you!" She squealed

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"Oh my goodness it is you!" She squealed. "I haven't seen you at work for so long! I miss our shifts together. Ever since boss split up our shifts I've been so lonely!"

"It's good to see you again. What you doing here?" I asked looking down at her small frame.

"Going to school, duh. I finally got enough wage to afford it." She said laughing. "Who would have thought your father of all people, would have let you and Heidi come to school!"

"I know I could hardly believe it myself. I was a bit reluctant to attend but my sister had her tail wagging frantically at the idea. I had to attend to keep her safe." I spoke.

"Ahem." Haru coughed.

"Oh where are my manners. Haru this is Reen my friend and work college. Reen this is Haru." I said  as they shook paws.

"The names Reen the Viverridae Banded Palm Civet." She said.

"Haru, Dwarf Rabbit." She said smiling. "Correct me if I'm wrong but... your species is rare and endangered, right?"

"Yep! But I don't much care. I'm happy to be a Vivberdiea Civet. And maybe the last generation but it's fine." She said making a peace sign around her eye with her clawed fingers.

"Hey, are you working this weekend? I have an extra shift to cover for Lotus." I said sighing.

"Yep I do... oh my gosh it with be like old times!" She said excitedly.

"Have you eaten yet?" Haru asked her.

"Yeah I just came from the canteen. When I saw you I had to say hello!" She said laughing.

"Do you want to come with us, we aren't exactly sure where we are going but it would be nice to properly catch up and for you not to be properly aquatinted." I said.

"Yeah I would love too!" She said jumping up and down a bit.

"Wow you Vivberdiea Civets have a lot of energy." I said smiling.

"Yes we do!" She laughed before walking with us. Haru suggested we go to the gardening club cabin as she's the only member of the club and there would be no one there.

We set off to our destination, talking and chatting as we went.

Heidi's POV:

After another half an hour, passed and I was placed at the front of the dancers. Sheila was directing us and showing me the dance we had to do for the performance.

"Alright everyone! From the top!" She yelled clapping her paws together to the beat of the music. "One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. Keep those elbows up girls!" She yelled and instructed us.

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