Chapter 54

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What's y'all's favourite animal?

I love all a animals so I can't pick just one. Each one is fabulous and beautiful at the same time, it's just impossible for me to choose.

Ma chem teacher told me today that my spirit animal was a red panda in geography. I was just sat there like '😶 okay?' Twas strange.

I ALSO GOT MY CRUSH'S INSTAGRAMMM!!!' Well technically my bff did but like BROOOO MISSION ACCOMPLISHED... well one of my missions at least.


Also I need y'all's opinion! So let's do a:


I'm thinking of going to comic con locally cosplayed as... drum roll please... DIESEL!

I really want to make my own costume plus advance the book too!

So the poll is:

Yeah I love the idea! Go for it!


No! That's a ridiculous idea, everyone is gonna think your a furry and it's going to be a disaster.

Please vote! I don't wanna look like a furry but I wanna go as my character! It's a rlly hard choice 😪

Anyway, onto the book 💕

Diesel's POV:

The engine of the car hummed through my ears. Stacey was sat next to me, but I payed no attention to her.

"Can't this thing go any faster?" I said breaking out my trance.

"But sir, we don't want to break the law." Kyle the crocodile hybrid said from the front seat.

"Break the law? Kyle, we've killed hundreds of animals, murdered them in horrible ways, breaking the law hundreds of times without batting an eye about getting caught. But you refuse to get a speeding ticket? Don't mess with me Kyle, especially not now, unless you want to have your head split from your shoulders." I said in a menacing voice. "So hurry up!"

"Yes boss." Kyle said in fear.

I sank back into my seat, the world outside passing by faster.

"Sir, please calm down! Why does this deer even matter to you?" Stacey said. "We've killed and eaten hundreds of deers, why does this one suddenly make you feel emotion?"

"Firstly I've never eaten meat, that's all your doing. This deer means everything in the world to me. If he's even the littlest bit harmed or touched, god help me, I'll be the devil himself, I'll tear every one up into shreds so detectives would need microscopes to see the tiny little pieces of each lion I tore apart. It would be a miracle if they could put them back together again."

"Why this specific deer though? What has a herbivore got what I haven't."

"Don't you get it. You'll never compare to him."

"Because I'm better, right? I know you. I'm better than all the girls, can't you see that? Please just give me your attention and love!" Stacey begged.

"You don't get it? You don't know me at all. If you knew me, you'd know that I'm gay, trying to save my boyfriend from a massive gang of lions, praying that he's not dead and your begging me for my attention?" I said losing my patience.

"Wait... that deer is your... boyfriend?"

"Congratulations you've got it." I said sighing.

"So I'm nothing more that an assistant to you?" She asked looking away from me, looking out the window.

"Of course your more to me. Your my friend, my family. But a lover? I'm sorry but I can't love a woman. I've tried and failed."

"I understand." Stacey spoke with a genuine smile.

"We're almost there sir." My driver spoke.

"Thanks Kyle, your the best." I said.

"So... you swing for a different team but you still play ball don't you diesel boi?" Stacey said in a jokey tone.

"Your a horrible person." I said looking at her.

"I know, it keeps me awake at night." She said laughing, which made me chuckle.

(Anyone get it? Anyone? Are y'all excited for the new teen wolf movie? HELL I AM! THEY EVEN GOT DEREK TO COME BACKKKK!!!!! MY FAVOURITE CHARACTERRRRR!!!! But no styles?? Ma dude Dylan, what u doing that's more important than being Styles again???)

"Boss, they are waiting for us." Kyle said shining his lights on the several lions that stood there armed with guns and revolvers.

"Let them wait. They don't deserve to be in my presence for long." I said putting the skull mask over my face and sliding my muzzle into the mask. I looked at Stacey, she had done the same with her half skull mask.

"You ready boss? Let's get him back!" She said before getting out her side of the limo into the pouring rain. I got out my side and we slammed our doors with a massive bang.

I walked to the front of the limo between the headlights so only my silhouette could be seen by the lions.

"So... you took the bate huh?" Ibuki said smiling at me.

"Where is he?" I demanded with a chillingly soft tone.

"Upstairs in Free's stomach. If you hurry, you might get most of him back if you ask Free to puke."

"I'm not joking around. Where. is. he?" I said in a stern voice.

I focused on the details. I looked over Ibuki. He gave a smug smile showing his teeth. No traces of blood on them, nor on his lips. However they doesn't mean he couldn't have harmed him though. I looked at his fingers. I saw a spec of red. Louis blood.

I growled deeply, making the smug smiled of the lions disappear.

"You. You harmed him! You laid a finger on my Louis!" I yelled in a deep voice, pointing at Ibuki. "I was going to let this slide if you hadn't harmed him but you have!" I said growling. "Now you'll feel the wrath and power from the new best gang in Japan. The new top animals."

"Wait a second, I never said he wasn't alive." Ibuki said backing up to try calm me down.

"It doesn't matter now, alive or dead I will still kill whoever harmed my Louis!" I said walking towards the lion.

"Wait please!" He begged.

"You can beg to the sinner of the earth, lucifer, the devil, himself." I said walking slowly towards him. "Stacey, find him. Get him out. I'll be there soon. Don't hesitate to kill, just not Louis."

"Yes boss!" She said running into the building.

"Now boys, let's settle this the... gang way. Fist to fist." I said rolling up my sleeves.

"Bring it on."


Sorry for long wait. Homework is stacking up. Buttt I'm off in 2 days for 2 weeks for half term!!!!! Meaning MORE WRITING!!!!!!!


Anyways, take care Lovlies!

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