Chapter 33

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Legoshi's POV:

It's late. We'd better head back now before we get in trouble. Heidi rounded us up before we left. She said goodbye to a few of her friends that were staff members promising them that she'll see them soon, and heading towards us again. She headed straight for Sheila and started gossiping again.

Bill and Tao were paw in paw and chatting, blushing as they talked. I don't know what their relationship status is but I'm happy for them.

And I've done pretty well avoiding Juno like she's the plague. She's sneaky, but not sneaky enough.

But what was strange is that, I had looked everywhere, and still I couldn't find Diesel. Anywhere! Again I must wait till I see him next to confess my feelings, most likely at tomorrow's rehearsal.

We all did a head count and realised we were missing someone. I looked at everyone, who were we missing?

"LOUIS! We're missing Louis!" Els exclaimed. "Oh no! I hope nothings happened to him."

"We should split up and look for him." The Moro rhino spoke.

"No need. I'm right here." Said a voice that we all knew to well.

"Louis!" We all exclaimed turning to look at him.

"We thought something bad happened to you man!" Bill said patting him on the back. His hand still in Tao's.

"I'm fine. Let's go if everyone is here." He said taking the lead.

"Yeah let's go." We all said as we exited the building. Just as we were leaving the Viverridae
Banded Palm Civet ran up to us.

"HEIDI!" She yelled pushing through us.

"Reen?" Heidi said turning around as she was swamped into a hug.

"It's... it's Diesel! We can't find him anywhere! Have you seen him." She asked.

"No, I haven't seen him since earlier this evening. I wouldn't worry about it though. He's strong and can look after himself. He's probably walked someone home." She said calmly.

My mind could only think about the 'what if's. What if someone abducted him. What if he got into another fight and lost and is now bleeding out in an alley. What if he's been killed and dumped in a river. What if...

My mind wouldn't stop. Stop thoughts! I can't stop them. I can't get the thought of Diesel's dead body lying in a lake, bobbing motionlessly in the water. Without him knowing how I feel.

"Yeah... your right. I'll look again. Safe journey back to school!" She said as she waved and ran away.

"Let's go." Heidi spoke before leaving through the door, like the original plan.

We started walking up the hill. Louis walking behind us, I slowed down to talk with him.

"So... you going back to the dorms?" I asked him to break the ice.

"Yeah, you should too. It's getting late." He said putting his hands in his trouser pockets, not letting his posture falter.

"Yeah... I guess." I spoke again.

"You know you really annoy me." He spoke making me look at him shocked.

"W..what?" I asked surprised that a herbivore would say that to a carnivore. "I'm sorry."

"That's the problem! You need to start pulling your weight." He said aggressively. "Stop acting weak it's making yourself look bad. You know wolves are social creatures, maybe you would like it being in a pack and not being the lone wolf all the time. Be happy and people might stick around. Take Heidi and Juno for example. They're carnivores and yet they are both like a rays of sunlight making herbivores wanting to be around them."

"I act weak for the sake of herbivores. My height and mere presence sends shivers down their spines at fear of being eaten. If... I pretend to be like a herbivore, not speak and hide away in the shadow, maybe... just maybe, they will not feel the need to run. Why would you care anyway, you hog the spotlight and crave it equally. I crave the darkness and not to be noticed, unlike you, I want to be unnoticed, just not by my crush. I want him to notice me, but notice me for me, not a carnivore." I spoke back only looking at my shoes as I walked.

"That's the problem. A wolf in sheep's clothing is something everyone fears. Just be a wolf so people know what to expect."

"I guess..."

"Good. Did you find him then? Is it safe to say that you have a boyfriend?"

"No... I couldn't find him. It's like he just disappeared. And I feel like Juno is avoiding me now, I think that's for the best." I spoke looking at the deer.

"Well it's understandable

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