Chapter 60

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Diesel's POV:

I was wheeled into the hospital as several nurses gathered around me, still moving down the corridor.

"He's losing a lot of blood fast!"

"Get the bandaids and scissors!"

"Cut his shirt open, we need full access to the wound!"

All of these nurse's voices rang through my brain. Ugh it's bright in here... where's... where's Louis? My head was spinning and the room became fuzzy.

"Sir... sir... sir-" the voice echoed through my mind. I whined in pain.

The darkness was becoming overwhelming and the world fell around me... I was falling. I knew I was, I was falling.

I tried to yell but I couldn't move. This was it, wasn't it? My sweet death is near. I can feel it surprising me. Well not exactly surprising... I do do some reckless stuff.

But if this is my end... then I couldn't have carried out my plan.


"Sir are you sure this is what you want?" Stacey asked looking at the clipboard I gave her flicking through the pages.

"Yes, I'm a thousand percent sure." I said walking through the guns room, my tank top snug around my chest as my cargo pants held up by my utility belt.

"But... how do you know? Your so young!" She said following fast behind me.

"I'm sure of my decision." I said picking up a gun and filling it with some cartridges.


"I said I MADE UP MY MIND!" I yelled.

Stacey held up the clipboard to her nose. She lowered it slowly looking at the floor. "If that's what you really want. Then I'm with you."

*Flashback over*

I can't die, not now, not ever! Open your eyes. Come on Diesel! Open your eyes!

My eyes flickered a little as I squinted to look around the room. I was now alone in a bed in a private room.

Louis was missing from the chair in the corner. Where is he? He's mine, where is he?


I looked at the doorway, Louis was stood there, his antlers fully fledged again... but yesterday... he had bandages covering the wound they left after they fell out.

He was holding a cup of coffee string it with a spoon. He took it out and banged it a few times on the side of the mug before putting it onto a tray near my bed.

"Louis? Your antlers..." I looked at his features.

"I know." He said before studying me.

"How long was I out?"

"A week or so, you were in a drug induced coma. Your internal wounds wouldn't have allowed you to leave this place for a while without a coma. You should be thankful." He spoke sitting into a chair.

His freshly ironed suit crinkled a little around the stomach when he sat down. He took a sip of the liquid and lowered the cup to the round coffee table next to him, with a loud swallow.

"A week huh?" I said gripping my sheets. "That doesn't explain your antlers though."

"Buck's antlers fledge in the space of a week, with medical help even less, with me being at the hospital they took a look for me and gave me all I needed." He said before aligning his tie with the centre of his chest, feeling the fabric down in between his fore and middle finger. "I only went home a few times to grab some clothes, the rest of the time I was here or down in the cafe. Sheila and your sister popped by a few times."

"Heidi?" I asked my eyes widening. "How is she?" I jumped to ask.

"She's fine, annoyed at you for getting yourself hurt this badly and Sheila annoyed at you for annoying her. The rest of the drama club came by too to see if you were awake." He said again intertwining his fingers, propping his elbows on the armchair's arms and holding them above his face.

"When was this?"

"On Tuesday. Heidi came on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon." He said again tilting his head up slightly as he spoke.

He didn't seem... himself.

"What about Stacey?"

"She has taken over the Gumi in your absence, and as far as anyone's concerned, you got into a scrap at the black market, free has been taken to jail for attempted murder. High levels of meat in his system has proved your case of the attack of a 'deprived' carnivore who would attack anyone just for the taste of flesh, you being the one he came in contact with first." Louis explained not blinking or taking his eyes off of me.

"That's good. That lion needs to be behind bars; he's not safe for the public." I spoke again. "And you? Are you okay?"

"What do you think?" He said in a cold tone.

"I... I'm guessing not..." I said looking down at the floor.

"You could have been seriously injured, worse than that killed, and yet you have no shame for what you did? You concealed from me that you were a gang leader, a dangerous one and one that has personal beef with all the other gangs in Tokyo! Not only have you put yourself in danger but everyone you know and love, Heidi, you parents, your classmates, me, everyone you have talked to. Your mother is a prime example of this, she was hurt badly by the Shi Shi Gumi and you went out for blood, you weren't thinking clearly, and if you can't deal with your emotions in a calm and collective way then more people are going to get hurt! You will have more blood on your hands than you already did to begin with. And you'll lose a lot of people, unless you will think and act in a clear and collective manner!" He yelled and screamed at me.

"Louis... I wanted to tell you... but I couldn't bring myself to it, incase you left me." I said whining a little. My ears pressed against my head.

"You should have thought about what would hurt me more. I now feel like you won't, and can't, trust me and that I'm an awful boyfriend that wasn't made for you." He spoke narrowing his eyes.

His words stung like a razor, he had dug the knife into my back, threatening to push it deeper with his words.

"I love you... please don't go..." I said in a whisper. "I promise I wanted to tell you, I trust you!"

"Then why... you kept it from me. Is it because I'm a herbivore?" He said looking at me with a harsh eye.

"Yes." I muttered.

His eyes softened and he looked at me astonished.

"Your a herbivore and have no fangs or claws to defend yourself. If anyone had to come after you... and succeed in hurting, or even worse killing, you... i wouldn't be able to live with myself." I said starting to sob.

He only stood up and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked almost begging him to stay.

"I need to clear my head." He said as he left.

I only reached out my hand for him, but he already was striding down the hall.


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