Chapter 45

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(An: let's start a new series of pictures on my chapters called: weird things my dog does that makes no sense.

Starting with this one; lying on my legs and falling asleep without any that's so random and how??? It must be uncomfortable, I mean... my legs aren't the fleshiest and are rlly boney. (Yes I am wearing shorts in that pic don't worry, and yes my legs are just that long.)

But on a different note, I ran out of 4G (which is rllllyyyy annoying bc I can't write unless I'm connected to my father's phone. So annoying 😫 and bc I have no wifi, I can't research anything or study for school. My wifi isn't fixed until Thursday at midnight at the least, and my 4G doesn't refill until the 17th aka 10 days time. Sorry for any inconveniences. It's a bummer.

Anyway, let's go!)

Louis's POV:

Bright lights, peering through onto my eyelids. It was bright... really bright.

I had no nightmares? Why?

I opened my eyes wincing at the sudden light on my adjusting eyes. A warm embrace was placed around my torso. Oh yeah, Diesel. I looked around at the sleeping doberman.

Luckily I had no lectures today as it was a Wednesday and that's my day off. I smiled at his sleeping resting face. I took time to take in his features up close.

His dark blackish grey fur had specs of brown down by the roots had his nose had a little scar on it, not noticeable from a few feet away, that looks like it was from years ago.

Oh his ear he had a little dent on his left one. And his eyes had long lashes (an: like a ✨material gorl✨) and had another little scar on his right eyelid.

Along his snout he had a range of smaller scars. Maybe from previous fights.

His nose twitched with his breathing, and he nuzzled into my back, making me blush deeply. He then gave a light grunt and opened his eyes.

"Morning." He said in his deeper than usual morning voice.

I immediately looked away and blushed hard.

"M..morning." I spoke with a burning face.

"Sleep well?" He asked me sitting up a bit so he was on his elbow, the other arm still around me.

"Yeah... better than usual." I spoke clearing my throat. Truth be told that's the best sleep I've ever had.

"Good. Me too." He said getting up. He yawned, his tongue outstretched out his mouth and he exposed his fangs. He then, licked his lips and sniffed the air.

My stomach rumbled as I realised it was breakfast time, and we skipped dinner last night.

I had some emergency celery salads in the mini fridge, along with some bottled water.

"Hey... want breakfast?" I asked him.

"What kind of question is that, I'm starved!" He laughed.

"I only have salads is that's okay." I said getting up from his grasp and going to the fridge.

I took out two bottles of water, putting them under my arm, and grabbing the salads with my two spare hands. Balancing everything, I then took two forks from my cutlery draw and walked back to him.

"That's fine by me, I'm a dog, I'll eat anything as long as it's not animal." He said, talking his legs off the sofa so he was sitting instead of lying down, taking a bottle, salad and fork from me and setting it down on the coffee table in front of him.

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