Chapter 26

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Heidi's POV:

I came out in my dress. I saw Sheila talking to Louis as I emerged from the changing room. She turned a deep maroon. Louis looked over his shoulder and smiled.

"Heidi! You look gorgeous!" He spoke smiling. "Don't you think Sheila?"

Sheila grunted and nodded wildly. I giggled at her actions.

"Thank you, your too kind." I said blushing.

"So, we all happy about our choices?" I asked.

"Yep definitely!" Sheila finally spoke.

"Absolutely!" Louis spoke.

"Let's get changed again and I'll pay! My treat." I said winking.

"Heidi! I can't allow that!" Sheila and I barked back in response.

"Oh hush." I said. "I insist!"

"Heidi please your not making it very easy for us to insist to pay!" Sheila said sternly.

"I'm not taking no for an answer." She said walking back to the changing rooms.

I quickly got changed and picked up all the chosen outfits left outside their changing rooms, and approached the checkouts. I placed everything on the till and the same woman from before cam over to help me.

"Miss Heidi, please all of these are on the house. Consider these paid for!" The antelope said close eye smiling at me while putting the items into three separate bags. I looked at her name-tag. Her name was Linda.

"Thank you ma'am. I will put a good word in for you to my father. I will always have the kindness of you in my heart.

The antelope teared up. "Thank you Heidi! Thank you!"

"My pleasure." I said smiling.

I took my items and walked over to Louis and Sheila I handed them each their bags.

"We should get going! It's late." I said looking at my phone clock.

"Agreed." They both said.

"What  did you say to make that girl cry?" He asked me.

"Nothing important. Just that I'll recommend her to my father is all. He's looking for a personal assistant and wanted me to choose for him. I think she will do nicely." I said looking up at him.

"I want a private conversation with you on the way up to the school." He said looking at the floor.

"Oh... sure thing." I said smiling at him.

We went to a few other shops to pick out makeup and jewellery. Surprisingly, Louis knew a bit about makeup. Probably from Sheila or being in the drama club.

I picked out a nice red lipstick and purple eyeshadow pallet to go with my dress. And Sheila picked out some white eyeshadow and dark red lipstick to go with her dress.

After we had about 200 bags each, except Louis who had just the one, we headed back to where we started. Everyone was gathered there. All with bags. The girls with many more than the guys.

"Has everyone gotten what they needed and will look like a hot fox tomorrow night?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" Bill said enthusiastically. "I wanna pick up some hot chick at the club."

"Y..yeah." Tao said smiling weakly at the next comment.

"I always look like a hot fox." June said rolling her eyes. She was really starting to bug me. "I always wanna empress my boyfriend."

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