Chapter 48

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Louis' POV:

I sat on Diesel's lap, enjoying his embrace.

"Legoshi? Legoshi?" A voice called out.

Me and diesel both froze. Oh no.

"Are you here Legoshi? You can't hide from me, I know your scent like the back of my paw. Come on, we need to get to class." The male voice spoke from above the walls of the swimming pool.

He jumped down from his heights into the pool with us, his back turned to us, hoping he wouldn't see us as long as he didn't turn around.

But of course as per usual, that was a ridiculous thing to wish for and quite frankly unrealistic. If he didn't see us, I would think that pigs could fly as well.

"Legoshi-" The boy said turning around to see us.

Jack. That side pup of the wolf in art support.

"Louis? Diesel? What are you guys doing?" He asked looking at us.

"You know... having some quality bro time." Diesel spoke confidently.

"Oh cool! Just like me and Legoshi have." The retriever replied.

I internally laughed and cried. I don't think Jack fully knows what he means, his pure heart.

"Mind if I... join?" He asked catching us off guard. He's not joining in. That dog can tuck tail and walk away. Please let diesel decline

"Ummm... sure?" Diesel said unsure. Damn you diesel! I slid off his lap and onto the ledge next to him.

Jack wagged his tail and came and sat next to us, putting a little distance between him and us.

"You know, legohsi has ditched first class. It's not like him at all. Lego wouldn't do something like this." Jack said loosing at us. We both exchanged looks and nodded.

(An: random thought coming towards you at full speed. Anyone else stepped on a lego brick as a child and had an imprint of one of the blocks on your foot for a few days and had excruciating pain? Anyone else or was I just a dumb child. Probably the last option but anyway... carry on🥲)

"No he's not the type." Diesel replied.

"Well... I hope I find him soon, he's never liked the idea of a detention but he's heading that way if we are any later than we already are. Wait... aren't you two meant to be in classes?" Jack asked us.

"I am, but Louis' not." Diesel's answered for me.

"Well I'd better go. And I do know what you two were up to. I wasn't born yesterday you know, but don't worry... I'll keep your secret, especially from Legoshi. He really likes you Diesel and that wolf doesn't need any more heartbreak in his life. Anyway, chow." The retriever said before walking off and climbing the ladder to get out the pool.

"Likes me? In what way? Hang on... has Legoshi developed a crush on me?" Diesel said connecting the dots. "It would explain the avoidances and red face when I talk to him."

I immediately filled with rage. I gave a huff in annoyance.

"Bambi, don't get angry, I have no interest in the wolf. I have eyes for you and only you." He said smiling and bending down to my nape again.

He licked the side of my neck and up to my cheek. I smiled, kissing him passionately. I then trailed to his neck.

After a moment I heard a crack and a large pain shoot down my head. I then heard a clanging sound of something hitting the floor. I contracted from his neck and grasped my head. I felt for my antler... it wasn't there.

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