Chapter 65

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Almost put 64 then, I swear I can count; honest 😭

Diesel's POV:

I spent the rest of my day in my own company and majorly washing my mouth out with toothpaste and mouthwash after eating that fake apple, while my suit was being dry cleaned. Leaving me in a pair of hospital lounge trousers and no shirt.

After washing my face in the en-suite bathroom I had attached to my hospital room. I looked up into the mirror, water dripping down my snout and off my muzzle and making a small 'plop' as it hit the water under my chin in the sink.

I sighed, looking at what stared back at me: well... wasn't the worst sight in the world, definitely not the best either.

I hadn't trimmed my bottom jaw fur since I'd been hospitalised so I now have a little goatee growing.

A knock came at my door as I spun around.

"Hello? Anyone in?' A shy female voice echoed throughout my hospital room. If I had the AC on, I doubt I would have heard her delicate voice.

"Yes? May I help you?" I spoke coming out from the bathroom my paw resting on the doorframe of my bathroom.

A small, delicate ewe (female sheep) stood holding a suit bag stood in front of me. Her hooves the size of my smallest toe bean on my paws, her frame small and fragile. Her wool pure white and her eyes a silky brown. Her nurse uniform was too large on her so became baggy, from the hips to the knees.

"Please s-sir, I brought you your d-dry cleaning." She stuttered in almost a whisper.

I walked to collect them from her. I placed them on my neatly made bed. She trembled in my presence.

"So, you a new nurse? You can't be very old?" I asked

"I'm, f-fifteen sir." She spoke her eyes averted swishing her body from side to side, her hands held behind her back and her ankle swivelled left and right, a light dusting of pink glazed her cheeks.

"And your name?'

"M..Mary.. sir.. a..after the nursery rhyme.'

"Ah" I spoke softly so not to startle her. "Your doing good Kid. Keep it up"

"T..thank you sir. I will. Excuse me." She left a litre more confident.

I chuckled to myself and started getting my hospital gown off before I started putting on my clothes, shirt, trousers, belt. When I was about to put my tie around my neck, Stacey burst into the room.


"Stacey? What's the rush?" I asked her "your panting like a pup" I laughed.

"This isn't a time to joke around Diesel! I have some important news. We found your parents!"

I looked her dead in the eye, she looked in mine back, no smile on her face at all.

"Hahahahaha" I laughed uncontrollably. "Good one Stace you had me there for a second"

"This isn't a joke!"

"Of course it is, it has to be, my parents are long dead, ex police in the honoured part of the cemetery." I said putting my tie on and flipping down my collar.

"I'm not joking. We found them. They are still alive. The bodies you saw... weren't your dad's or your mum's. They were PO Lina Jocakie and PO Jack Davison. Your parents are still alive. We went to the 'suspected' home they were living in, and we found a couple of things." She said as she passed me a box "it looked like they scrammed when they heard the cars pull up"

I opened it: 2 name tags, and one red, a family portrait with me , Heidi  my dad and a ripped out pic of mum. The name tags read 'Diesel' and 'Heidi'.

"Where the hell did you find this?' I demanded with a grown behind my breathe.

"I thought you'd be happy-' Stacy began

"Happy about what? The fact you discovered a lie I've been told my whole life, or the fact that my parents abandoned me and my sister willingly? What's there to be happy about? Not even that but doing it without my consent?"

"You were under anaesthetic. The nurses turned me away. I wanted you to wake up and have a surprise. A good surprise!"

"But this isn't good, I've been lied to my whole life. I was happy being nïeve!" I yelled.

"Well your not gonna like what I'm going to say next." Stacey said crossing her arms over her chest.

"What?" I demanded.

"Your mum... wasn't even a doberman... not even a dog at all."

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