Chapter 13

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Sheila's POV:

Everyone has noticed it. Louis is acting off tonight. It might be to do with that whole Diesel dilemma as he probably has like post traumatic stress from the awkward situation or something but he needs to return back to his normal way.

Heidi told me everything about the office argue they had and Bill was being ruthless as per usual but with a little overboard with anger.

I was watching my dance group preform their dance while I was clapping to the beat, keeping them in time with the music and each other. I saw a white feline figure out the corner of my eye. I looked over at them.


"PST!!! Sheila! Can I talk to you real quick?" She whisper shouted at me. I sighed before turning back to my group.

"Have a drink break. I'll be back in 5. Run through the choreography and help each other if I'm not back in that time." I spoke as my group nodded and made their way to the benches where the water bottles and towels were placed.

Making sure there were no questions, I turned on my heal abs headed towards where June was. For sure she was leaning against the wall on her phone, taking selfies.

I coughed to make her notice me. "Ahem." She looked up at me and smiled.

"Sheila! You made time for me! I knew I was your number one!" She jumped and hugged me. Squealing a bit too as she tightened the hug. Squashing me in the process.

"What do you need June? I'm kinda in the middle of dance practice." I said pulling her off me. I was kinda annoyed.

"Oh right! I want your advice! I'm gonna ask Diesel out at the weekend! How do you think I should do it? Rose petals leading to a candle lit dinner? No maybe not, he can do that fe me when we are dating! Maybe a moonlight walk to the cliffs? That's a good one! How about a sentimental love letter telling him how much I love him, telling to meet me somewhere, and sneak it in his bag during lessons! " She giggled as she listed ways to ask him out.

I rolled my eyes. No matter what she did he is going to say no anyway. None was going to work. I just said a random way I could think of just to get rid of her.

"Do the Love Letter." I said before turning and leaving. Before I could properly go, she grabbed my wrist making me spin round to face her again.

"Wait! I don't have any suitable clothes for when he meets me! We must go shopping!" She said excitedly.

My head said no. My heart said no. My spirit however, said no. But I couldn't say no. That word is in my vocabulary when it came to friends, even if I dislike them. A lot.

I wanted yell, to scream, shout out, 'Do you want to hear it in Spanish? NÔ!!'

(Anyone get the reference? Stiles Stilinski? Anyone? No? Okay.)

"Yeah... I'd like to go shopping with you." I fake smiled.

"Yay girly time!" She clapped her paws excitedly.

"Let's say Saturday at 2pm?" She said smiling.

"Yeah. Make sure to get consent from Head master Gon in advance. He won't let us leave otherwise." I said before turning and leaving. "What about Bill in all this? He is your boyfriend after all."

"What about him? He doesn't have to know. I won't tell if you don't." She said giving me a cheeky grin.

"Okay... whatever. See you later." I said before leaving back to my group.

What will happen when Bill finds out? He's not the best at bad news, especially when it comes to June. Let's just prey he'll never find out.

Heidi's POV:

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