Chapter 11

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Bill's POV:

Who the hell does Diesel think he is? I caught a sight of Jude with Diesel.

My girlfriend with another guy. My blood boiled! She was playing with the bottom hem of his shirt. He wasn't protesting. I was ready to tear that mongrel limb from limb but Louis, all mighty Louis, interrupted them before I could get the chance. I swear I'll kill him if he goes anywhere near Jude again!

I growled and gripped the wooden stick I was holding.

Darn it! Am I not good enough for her? Why the hell does she want him?

"Bill? You okay there buddy?" Tao asked me. He was rehearsing our fight scene with me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said through gritted teeth.

"You seem tense. You sure your fine?" He asked prying.

"I said IM FINE!" I yelled, roaring slightly.

I heard squeals come from the floor below. I looked down. All the herbivore females were cowering away slightly.

"What's going on here?" Louis asked walking through the hall and past the scared students.

"Nothing." I said harshly. "Just personal things."

"Well don't bring your personal business and attitude into the club. I already know what happened in the changing rooms." He spoke. I felt my eyes widen. "That goes for all of you. Our performance is just around the corner, so don't you bring any personal issues into the club unless you can give me a full run through without any mistakes and perfect transitions, which I can assure you, you all can't."

Everyone remained silent.

"Excuse me, Louis?" Els the Alpaca walked up to him. Everyone started chattering and started doing what they were previously, except me.

"Yes Els?" He replied looking down at the herbivore.

"I was wondering if you could help me with my lines, I can't seem to remember them in the correct order and get the stage directions in." She spoke nervously.

"Yes of course. Just give me a moment and I'll be right with you." He spoke before looking at me. "Bill, come with me. We need to have a little chat."

I left the stage. Following Louis.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"A little bird told me that you had a fight with Diesel. Want to tell me what that was about?"

"Noting big. Nothing you need to concern your pretty self about." I spoke sarcastically.

"Well, I heard that your ego got to much." Louis spoke not fazed by my words.

"What? What ego?" I said laughing in disbelief.

"You live on ego. You need to tone it down if you want my position in the club. You think you can act like you own the place? You haven't changed one bit since you spilt Legoshi's blood last season! If I wasn't there you would have killed each other?

You acted on pure instinct not rationality! The same thing goes in the changing rooms. I admit Diesel has half the blame in this too, but you bickered in front of herbivores, if you both didn't come back to your senses were you going to rip each other apart like you tried last time?" He said scowling at me.

"No! Of course not... wait...what ego? I'm just truthful. Anyway, why do you care? You don't care normally. What made you have a change of heart? Do you have a soft spot for the mutt already?" I asked him.

"W..what? No of course not! Why on earth do you think that?" He asked me obviously a little flustered at my words.

"You reek of him and..." I sniffed the air leaning towards him. He leaned away from me as I leaned forward. ""

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