Chapter 23

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~time skip to Friday, the following evening~

Heidi's POV:

We all waited in the drama studio. Only Louis was left to show up.

"Hey guys! Let's all go off as a group! As we all have the same taste in fashion. As you know, I myself, is quite the fashionista so I know the best brands and shops to go in." June bragged.

"Well... maybe we should ask Heidi. She has connections and she knows what she's looking for in quality." Sheila spoke up.

"Well... I guess I have discounts for stores like Spots and stripes, Clara's, Claws and Co, ZiZi's, etc." I said counting on my fingers. "Plus Claws and Co just got a stock of night out clothing, including dresses. Oh I have the catalog here." I said getting my bag and taking out the magazine.

"This one hasn't been realised yet! How'd you get it?" Sheila squealed.

"They give me and Diesel the newest ones a week in advance. Just to see if we want to change anything for copyright purposes, you know?" I said flicking through the pages.

I found the right page and opened it. A picture of me in a golden sequinned dress and my brother in a black dress suit covered the spreadsheet.

"Wow Heidi! You look stunning!" Sheila said looking at it and then at me.

"Thanks! It's not my favourite of all time." I said blushing at her comment.

"Are you kidding! Your so beautiful! How could you have a bad photo? You should see some mugshots of me that Peach has, shish!" She said cringing at the memory. I laughed.

"You'd be surprised."

"Ugh whatever Heidi isn't that beautiful anyway." June rolled her eyes.

I felt like I was stabbed with her words. I looked down at the floor in defeat, my ears drooping.

Sheila growled, exposing her sharp canines that accommodate in her mouth. June stepped back in surprise. And the herbivores jumped back, scared.

After a moment, June's fighting instinct took over and she stepped into a fighting stance, growling back. She emitted a low roar making her nose twitch. Sheila gave a leopard meow-like roar that made her eyes widen and tail wag behind her.

"Take that back." Sheila yelled.

"Why? Why do you care about what I say?" The tigress yelled. "Ohhh now I see, your protective of your little girlfriend here!"

"You don't know ANYTHING June!' Sheila yelled back.

"Yes I do, I'm not blind! You have a crush on Heidi don't you. Your doing a terrible job OF HIDING IT!" June said launching herself at Sheila.

She swiped at her, her claws just catching a tuft of fur on her side. Sheila dodged just in time, preventing June's claws from piecing her skin. All the herbivores ran back, hiding behind one another.

I intercepted the fight before Louis could see them and stop them from going shopping with us. I stood between Sheila and June.

June, in the heat of the moment, lunged at me, not seeing me in the way. Her claws were extended and plunged into my skin.

I yelled in pain. Whining as she withdrew her claws quickly. I clenched my arm to stop the bleeding.

"Heidi!" Sheila yelled as she quickly came to my aid.

"Don't worry... I'm.. im fine." I say in a shaking voice.

"Heidi, I'm so sorry!" June said covering her mouth with her non blooded paw.

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