Chapter 25

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???????? POV:

~Thursday night~

"Is this him?"

The room nodded.

"Seriously? Very well... capture him and bring him to us. If he refuses, get that little sister of his too. We can force him. He does know what will happen if he doesn't do what what we want. Shooty shooty bang band to the little sister of his. He must be our leader. If we delay any longer we will be food for the others. This Sunday we will attack and take. Understand?"


"And you!"


"Yes, you. I have made you a student at his school. Your the youngest here. Get close to him, his friends and his sister. Asses the situation and report every day. You need to lure him to the night club he works at on Sunday. We will nap him then. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, now move out!"

Diesels' POV:

~present time: Friday evening ~

"Something's off." I mumbled walking down the hallways.

Reen skipping ahead of me.

"What's that?" She asked looking over her shoulder at me.

"Nothing. It's fine." I say as she gives a little shrug and turns to the front again.

"Hey listen." She spoke again. "I can feel what your feeling. Like we are being watched." She said looking at me with worry in her eyes.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the aroma around me. A pink scent trail leading around the corner where it condenses.

I open my eyes in alert. Running past Reen, grabbing her paw and pulling her along behind me as I ran.

Who is that guy?

Running through the corridors, turning a corner after another, trying to lose whoever is on our trail. I hid around the corner and threw Reen next to me, pressing my clawed finger to my lips to tell her to be quiet.

The footsteps got louder. And quickly. They were speed walking, maybe running.


It's time to see who this is.


Enough is enough.


I pounced around the corner and caught the suspect by the neck. Throwing him into the wall, pinning him.

"Who are you?" I growled.

The boy only panted in terror and out of breath.

He was a small male doberman half my height and smaller then Heidi. A blue bunch of locks was swept to the side of his face like a wave, and a black dog collar chocker with spikes on it was just above my paw around his neck. The dark leather rubbing my finger. He wore a black shirt with a white skull on it with ripped baggy jeans, and a pair of grey worn converses covered his feet. Black leather fingerless gloves with spikes on them, matching his chocker, lined his paws. Leaving a bit bare where the pipit button comes together.

His fur was tan and black, his eyes a deep blue that were glaring at me like daggers. He was not happy at me. He must be a mix breed because of his longer fluffy tail and longer fur.

"I said... who are you."

"The names Axel." The boy spoke with a higher pitch voice than my own. Fitting to his height. "I'm a first year."

"Why are you following me and my friend around?" I asked letting the boy go, giving him back the air supply he needs to survive. It was a pain, but I wasn't done with him so I needed him alive. He coughed a bit before answering the question.

"No reason particularly. I just heard a roomer that the legendary Diesel was here and... wanted to see if it was true." He spoke eyeing me again.

"You don't want to cause a fight?"

"What? No, of course not." He spoke brushing himself down.

"What breed are you?" I asked looking him up and down.

"What is this? 20 questions?" He spoke sarcastically.

"Answer the question!" I said through gritted teeth.

"Alright... geez. I'm a Husky Doberman mix-breed." He spoke looking at me once again, fixing his gaze on me while pulling his right glove up his paw again.

"That doesn't explain why your so small." I say bending down to his height. My chains chimed together at my movements.

"IM NOT SMALL DAMN IT!" He shouted.

"Yeah yeah, your starting to yap at me, Chihuahua."


"See, you yap like one. So you are one, I rest my case."

He sighed and hunched over in defeat.

"Look... I'm the runt of the litter. Okay. That's why I'm so small! I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers." He said looking up at me.

"So your just a pup."

"No I'm not I'm eight-.... I'm 16." He said coughing. I narrowed my eyes, he was going to say something else just then.

"Sixteen aye? Your still only a pup weather you like it or not." I said with a smirk.

"No I'm not!" He whined.

"Oh really? Well, if your such an adult, why don't you prove it to us." I said bending down to his height.

"Night club. This weekend on Sunday." He said smiling with a devilish grin.

"Well I work that night and so does my friend." I say looking down at his small frame.

"Okay! The next day! Clubbing at a little place I like down town." He said with a devious smile.

"Okay... fine." I said knowing I, nor Reen, was at risk of being harmed at a night club, having worked at one for ages.

"Great! Here's my number. I'll text you to details. Bye." Axel spoke before handing me a business card and leaving.

I looked at Reen. She shrugged. I looked at the card again before looking at the Doberman walking away from us. My ears drooping a bit to the side in confusion.

That was strange.

"We'd better get going before Haru gets mad. She's already blowing up my phone." Reen speaks once again.

"Your right. I just can't figure that guy out, he was awfully calm especially after I pinned him against the wall." I spoke turning around and walking behind Reen again.

Glancing over my shoulder once again, before turning my full attention to my friend in front of me.

Axel's POV:

Everything's going to plan. He's right where I want him. Time to report back and seek next steps. He's fallen right into our paws.

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