Chapter 66

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Sorry for disappearing again, GCSEs ruling my life atm 😩 anyways here is the next part!!!

Heidi pov:
*typing on phone*
Sheila: hey Heidi! I'm at the cafe in the mall, I'm sat in a window seat x

Heidi: I'll be there in a second just around the corner now x

I shoved my phone back into my designer handbag, that was baby pink with a golden chain strap.

I had my fur in a half up and half down look, a yankees baseball cap covering my face and heart sunglasses on my snout to be incognito to stop fans recognising me. I was wearing my signature black turtleneck with long sleeves that had holes where my shoulders are so showing a little bit of skin. My jeans were slim fit, part of the winter range of my fathers company with my cowboy boots that have a cherry blossom design burnt into the fake leather.

My long tail flowed behind me as I sashayed down the street. My heart was beating out my chest this was the first date I had for years, and with a female!

I'm so confused with myself but I guess big brother was right I do like girls too? I won't label myself for the time being, I'm just me.

Before I knew it I was at the entrance for the mall. I entered and went up to the cafe that Sheila was in. It was a bubble tea shop. I entered and she was scrolling through beastgram looking at all her friends posts liking them
And moving on.

'Heyy!' I said while taking a seat and taking my bag off and putting it on the seat next to me. She chose a booth so I could take all my incognito gear off. Placing my cap and sunglasses on the table next to me.

'Hey you made it!' She said putting her phone down across the table her full attention on me. 'Thank you for meeting me here.'

'No worries! So what do you want to order, drinks are on me I insist.' I said taking my purse out of my bag.

'Are you sure? I don't want to waste your money!' She exclaimed.

'I'm very sure, whatcha having, what temps your fancy.' I said as we both look at the menus on our table.

'Could I grab a cold medium matcha tea with tapioca please?' She asked.

'Of course! Good choice!' I said as I got up to walk to the cashier.

'Welcome to hubble bubble tea shop, where our tea is iconic but our anxieties and chronic, what can I get started for you?' A male jaguar said tapping the screen of the till register.

(Bro seems a little depresso, I hate it when people try to make jokes to me and I just want to make it as quick as possible and ✨leave✨)

I looked at him. There wasn't a hint of a smile on his face. We just stared at each other for a second. Was I meant to laugh?

'Can I get an iced matcha tea with tapioca please and a brown sugar tea, hot, with tapioca please.' I said smiling trying to get past that not at all amusing joke

'Hang on a second, your Heidi right?' He asked me pointing his index finger at me.

'Yes I am.' I said admiring it shyly.

'Man I respect you. I couldn't live with the fact that everyone knows my name, age and wants my number or autograph.' He said wiping his nose with his paw expressing himself with his paws.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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