Chapter 36

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Diesel's POV:

~Flashback an hour ago: at the HQ~

"Diesel, come here." Stacey spoke in the hallway as I was about to go outside to get into the car.

I walked over to her and looked down apon here.

"Here. Take this. Keep it on you 24/7, don't let it out of your sight, don't let anyone see it, and I'd you don't have it on you, know where it is. Just in case." She said giving me something wrapped in a silk cloth.

I unwrapped it. It was a revolver gun and a pack of 50 bullets. I looked at it and then back at her.

"You can use this to protect yourself and others against harmful predators who want you dead. Remember... use it how you wish. There are no rules for you now, we make our own laws." She said smiling.

I also gave her a wicked smile. "You know I will use it to my advantage."

She then gave me a belt that had a gun holder that was above my shirt line so it was easily hide able and accessible if I so needed it.

~flashback over~

Louis sat in front of me red faced and blushing hard. He sat at his desk while I sat on a chair opposite him.

"Y...You should probably make a re-appearance to the others... before they assume your dead." Louis said stuttering a small bit.

"Do I have to?" I asked with a pouting expression.

"Yes, you do."

"Why can't I just stay here with you." I wined flopping onto the desk and looking up at him.

"Because... they are all worried about you." He said blooming down at me.

"Worried about me? Say... where you worried about me?" I said pushing myself up off the desk and leaning towards his face.

"W...well..." he said averting my gaze and looking to the side.

"You were, weren't you? May I ask if I have the gaze and attention of the red deer Louis?" I said smirking, still in his face.

"I... I..." he tried to speak, but he couldn't generate any words. I grabbed his chin and lifted it up towards me.

"You're cute, you know that?" Said before placing my lips on his once again. I kissed him deeply before pulling away. "But I guess your right, I can't hide out in here all day, although I want to." I huffed.

I got up from my seat and walked over to the door. "Oh and before I forget, make sure you splash your face and neck with water. The other carnivores will be able to smell my saliva on you, and your extremely red in the face." I said before winking at him, making him blush deeper. "Bye love~"

I exited through the door and wondered down the hallway, pushing the doors open to the rehearsal room.

"Hey everyone." I said walking into the room.

"DIESEL!" They all shouted in surprise as they ran over to me, and bombarded me with questions.

"Where have you been man? We were worried about you." Bill said punching my arm playfully.

"Oh just stayed the night with my friend, no big deal." I said shaking off the question.

Heidi ran up to me and hugged my torso forcefully, making me take a step back.

"Don't you scare me like that! You made me think that you could have been dead in a ditch somewhere." She cried into my chest.

"Sorry Heid. I didn't mean to scare you." I hugged her back.

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