Chapter 32

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???? POV:

"got him. Let's go." He said grabbing his baseball bat.

"Woah, woah, woah, hold your horses." I said sighing lowering my hood. "She said she needs him ALIVE."

"But he looks so peaceful sleeping. I want to keep him permanently like that." He said again, running his claw over his bat that was over his shoulder and pouting, nuzzling into it.

"You dare and she will get super mad." I said scowling at the man.

"Let's just get him in the van like we originally planned." The other spoke.

"Spot, get the end, spike, get the head. And..DO. NOT. DROP. HIM." I said walking in between the two hyena twins. "I'll be waiting in the van."

I walked over to the back seat and got in, slamming the slide door shut, taking out my tablet. I pressed on a contact and FaceTimed them.

It rang for three and then picked up.

"Status report." The female borzoi spoke down the phone at me.

"Mission accomplished, on our way back now. As you requested: alive and unharmed." I said Bach looking at her.

"Good work Axel. See you back at HQ." She said before hanging up.

Spike got into the drivers seat and spot next to him, still holding his baseball bat.

"Drive." I commanded as we pulled out of the valley in our black unmarked van.

Deisel's POV:

~A few hours later~

I groaned coming out of a darkness.

I couldn't see anything, it was total darkness. A blindfold covering my eyes, preventing me to see my surroundings.

My breathing was calm but I was terrified. Memories flooded back to me of how I got into this situation. Why... why me? Why tonight?

I smelt the air. It was a mix of everything. A mix of all species of all breeds and variations. I could sense a hoard of people around me.

I was sat on a chair, my hands tied around the back of the chair, and my legs also tied.

"Isn't this a bit excessive? What's he gonna do, bite off our arms?" A woman's voice said sarcastically.

"Well.. he's dangerous isn't he? You said be careful."

"What?! We want him to like us! And tying him up is not they way to do that." She spoke.

I felt a paw reach out to my snout, caressing my fur. Then I felt her other hand move up to the blindfold, putting her clawed finger under it and tearing it off me.

I opened my eyes wincing at the sudden light. I looked around. A room full of different species of carnivores and herbivores looked at me judging me harshly.

"Welcome Diesel. Now I'm going to remove your muzzle but don't bite okay." The female borzoi spoke before reaching for the tie at the back.

She clipped it off and took it down my snout. I just sat there. In silence, looking at here.

"Your probably wondering why we kidnapped you and held you hostage. Allow me to explain with no interruptions." She spoke standing in front of the large amount of animals.

I scanned them all. A face I landed on was so familiar. Axel.

"We are the Mikkusu Gumi. A gang of mixed interspecies. We are a gang of the rejected and the abandoned of animals that live in the black market. We are a gang of mainly hybrids, though a mix of purebreds roam amongst us. Rivalling all other gangs, we are the under dogs of them all, but we are still well known. Just like the Shi Shi Gumi, our name is feared of what we can do. Ones weaknesses are strengths for others. We are the predators of the black market. Even the herbivores in this gang are predators and are seen as equals to carnivores. We are all unique and a mystery to our enemies. All having a range of skills and their own job here in the Mikkusu Gumi. Not one of our members are seen as weak or unable. With a total of 500 members living under this roof, we have many experts on all fields. From connection department to defence experts, we have it all." She explained.

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