Chapter 7

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Louis' POV:

Diesel was being swarmed by Bill's Girlfriend, June.

She was playing with the bottom hem of his shirt in a flirtatious way. It made me feel sick.

I felt something manifest deep inside of me. I didn't know exactly what it was but it made my blood boil and a wave of anger hit me.

I wouldn't help but interrupt.

"Diesel. Are you ready for your audition?" I asked in a cold tone.

"Yes." He replied in a monotone voice before walking away from the tiger. He showed no sign of discomfort nor disinterest in the Siberian tiger.

My teeth grinned together as I turned away from him.

"Let's start." I said before turning to the front. Everyone's attention was now on us.

Legoshi wasn't where he was meant to be, he was lingering at the edge of the stage. I glared at him. He made eye contact with me before swallowing hard and flagging down Diesel.  

He made his way to the edge of the stage and melt down to one knee and lowering his head so he was head height with the tall wolf. Legoshi asked him something before Diesel replied with a moments consideration.

He spoke briefly with him before Legoshi turned and walked over to the the ladder that lead to the lighting platform. Diesel made his way back to where he was originally standing a few feet away from me.

Legoshi grabbed a light filter before sliding it over the lens of the spotlight. He flipped it on.

Orange light flooded the stage. Directed at Diesel.  Now I get it. He asked for this specifically.

Fire spirit ~ "Grim Reaper. We meet again."

He's already started? Without a script?

Grim Reaper ~ "Oh thy fire spirit. At last our paths crossed."

Fire spirit ~ "Why is Helen still alive? She was meant to be dead three days ago! Are you failing your duty as a Grim Reaper?"

Diesel spoke with a harsh yet gentle tone. He started circling me.

Grim Reaper ~ "I am the only worthy one to end her life fire spirit. You know I am."

Fire spirit ~ "Do I though? Do I trust you to end her life. You are failing yourself already. You know you are. Give Helen to me. I'll end things quickly."

Diesel held his paw out to grab the imaginary Helen on the stage, which is played by our zebra of the club Ellen who is spectating down below us, with a demanding gesture.

Grim Reaper ~ "Not a chance spirit. She is mine to kill. She's mine to end her life! No one else!"

I shouted at the huge mutt. My anger towards him flooding my performance. He still stood in character, unfazed.

Fire Spirit ~ "Only you resist me. I fight fire with fire. Prepare to die Helen. I will be the one to end your life. Just you wait. We'll duel to the end if I have to."

Deisel gave me a death glare but turned to the front. His shadow reflected by the orange light projected on the floor. Even his shadow was beastly.

Fire spirit ~ "I will be the top. I will out rank them all. You wait Grim Ripper! I will surpass you. I will be the best!"

He said turning his head to look at me and pointed a clawed finger towards me. His honey eyes had a tint of fury while the rest of his body stayed clam and in character.

Beastars: The Beast and LouisWhere stories live. Discover now