Chapter 61

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Louis' POV:

Stacey told me what's up, and this is all an act. I love my boyfriend, of course I do that's why I'm going to beat him to it.

"Did it work?" Stacey said from the end of the hallway.

"It did indeed, I said walking past her with a smile.

"You didn't upset him too much did you?" She asked walking behind me.

"No he's a big boy he'll get over it, and I'll make up for it later." I said nodding at several nurses that walked by.

"You sure you know what your doing?"

"Of course, I have everything I need to go through with it, all I need is the signal to continue."

"Consent?" She asked.

"Exactly. I can hardly do this against his will." I laughed.

"I mean... that's true, you can't force him, I'm just worried for the boss. You'll keep him in place to this is a all good situation, just, he's immature even if that sounds harsh. He's...." Stacey began

"Violent? Unable to control his actions?" I asked

"Yeah that's how I would put it." Stacey said still hurrying behind me.

"Well, I can control him, even if he is a carnivore."

"Yeah he has a soft spot for you... definitely..." she said.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh... N..nothing." She said sheepishly.

I hummed in response, I didn't believe her, girls are hard to understand so I didn't even try. We entered the stair well and decended the stairs.

"Anyway how did you get the measurements?" She asked

"I asked one of the nurses, they are in kahoots with me, I have people on the inside of the hospital being the next Beastar, you know?" I said walking through the glass doors of the hospital out onto the street. 

"Right..." she said as she stopped in her tracks.

I waved down a taxi as it pulled to the curb, I opened the door.

"Oh Stacey before I forget, I've arranged to meet Heidi at the mall so she won't be seeing her brother today, tell him she sends her regards and will be in later after he's had his dinner, reassure him I'll be back, and don't leave his side, that's an order." I said getting into the cab and closing the door.

"Yes sir..." I heard faintly before we drove off.

It was a short trip to the mall and Heidi was stood on her phone by the entrance. She wore a light green crop top with a black leather skirt with brown leather cowgirl boots and a cowgirl hat that had slits in them for her ears which both had piercings in.

"Hey Heidi thanks for meeting me." I said as I approached her.

"No problemo bro, I'm happy I could help! I know diesel better than anyone!" She said giving me a wink.

I smiled. We entered inside the large building, me offering my arm to her, which she took looping her hand around my forearm.

We headed to the floor plan map of the mall.

"Now where should we go first..." she said tapping the side of her muzzle with her purple painted claws. "Ah! I know! Jackson's and Jordan's! Their stuff is always the best!" She said tapping the map where she found it. "It's just down the hall, next to the boba shop."

"Perfect!" I said as I looked at where she pointed.

"Then let's go to Greggories, then Macies, then vixen's. If no luck the last opportunity to grab one will be the antique shop." She said pointing to each shop with her claw. "Then we can grab juice or beastbucks if you like. Heard you are a big fan of Celery, there's a place that sells celery juice if you would like." She said winking at me.

"That sounds perfect! I mean I just hope I can get something that he loves."

"If it's from you, he will love it anyway. But don't worry, I have your back. Lucky for you when we were 13 we showed each other pictures of what we would like as that gift, and I know exactly what I'm looking for, present it to him and... we'll you are almost guaranteed a positive result." She said.

"That's good to hear. I'm out of my depth here." I chuckled.

We set off in search of what I wanted.

After several shops with no luck, Macies was the next shop up. I looked in the window; already worn out of how many escalators we had to climb and shop employees I had to chat to.

"THAT IT! There!" Heidi exclaimed pointing to one in the window. We rushed inside to grab it, the assistant grabbed it for me and brought it to the counter where she removed it from the velvet cushion.

"Sterling silver, Celtic with a extraordinary history. One of a kind. In a size 8." The Papillon spoke in a French accent. "Something your looking for?"

"It's perfect!" I exclaimed. "I'll take it!"

"Fabulous!" The assistant spoke putting it into a box lined with purple velvet.

We paid and left the shop to the entrance of the mall.

"All I can say is good luck Louis, I hope everything goes well... diesel really likes you. I know that. So... yeah go for it." She said patting me on the shoulder.

"Thanks Heidi." I said as I gave her a hug. "I'm sure your brother will call you with the result."

"Of course! Until then Louis. I'm trusting you to look after my brother, I give you my blessing."

I smiled at her as she gave me a faint one back.

"Now go, before he thinks you won't get back."

"Yes! See you Heidi!"

I rushed off to the car that was waiting for me. I pulled out my phone to call Stacey.

She answered.

"Well?" She asked immediately.

"Mission accomplished. How about your end? How is he?"

"Upset you left, worried about you, come back now, reassure him. He won't rest unless your here." She said as I heard wining in the background.

"I'm on my way now."

All I have to do is pop the question, how hard can it be?


Heyyy Lovlies!

Sorry I haven't updated like I said I would I've been HELLA busy with a work project I'm doing for myself for comic con!

I'm also on my practice DofE with my silver award, and it's POURING it down with rain. I'm cold, soggy, sore from walking 18km today, and majorly dehydrated.

After this night I have 18km more to walk to our final destination and the practice will be over. I'll have Monday off to recover from all the blisters on my feet by the rubbing of my boots and bruises on my hips from my backpack, I'll try to update then.

Love y'all ❤️

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