Chapter 44

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An: sorry; my dyslexia dumb ass did 2 chapter 42s so I had to change the latest one to chapter 43. I'm so stupid. How the hell am I meant to be doing GCSEs soon? My mentally, I'm meant to be in preschool. But no, in body, I'm a year 10. Oh god 😭


Louis's POV:

Diesel? Your back?

"Louis..." he said walking closer to me.

He embraced me in a tight hug, making me hug back.

"Why are you... here?" I asked him in a small voice.

"I couldn't be away from you any longer. I did what I had to do but I couldn't say with Jason any longer. He's cool and all and his children are sweethearts but there's only so much playing barbies and army soldiers I can do." He replied.

I smiled at the response.

"I'm glad you're back. I really missed you." I said letting go of the hug.

"I rlly missed you too." He said, only then did I  realise the cuts and bruises on his face.

"What did you do?" I said cupping his face and pulling his head towards mine.

"Oh.. that... you don't wanna know."

"Tell me." I said sternly.

"I got into a fight. Not to bad." He said looking me straight in the eyes.

"Not to bad? Diesel, half your eyebrow is missing." I said sighing.

"It's not the worst I've had."

"What's the worst you've had? You know what, don't answer that. Did you at least clean the cuts?" I asked.

"Yes, I did." He said sighing.

"Well not very well. Let me clean you up." I said pulling his tie to the leather chairs in front of my desk.

I got my first aid kit I store in my office for when my antlers fall out. It contains bandages, rubbing alcohol, cotton pads, ice packs and pretty much everything I would need for that situation and now.

I then walked to the sink, getting a bowl of luke warm water. I made my way to the coffee table and placed everything down and popped open the aid kit.

Kneeling in front of Diesel, I got the rubbing alcohol and put some on a cotton pad.

"This is really unnecessary. I said I cleaned it." He whined.

"Well I don't believe you, I can see grit and all sorts in there." I said looking up at him. "What's that?" I said pointing to something sticking out his brow.

"Nothing. I cleaned it, come on... I don't need this." He whined again.

"You can't get yourself out of this, I won't let your cuts get infected and gross." I said pulling him toward me.

"Now just relax." I said taking the cotton bud to the cut on his chin. He winced in pain.

"It stings." He whined again with sad eyes. I kissed him on the nose.

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