Chapter 50

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(CHAPTER 50!!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT! Thank y'all for reading this far! Luv you ❤️❤️💕)

Diesel POV:

"Diesel, I'm coming in!"

"NO!" I yeeted myself at the door trying to keep it closed.

"Diesel, come on, what's wrong? Are you not decent, is that the problem?" Louis asked me through the door.

"No, I'm decent... I... I uhhhh... I... was just... aaaaa... SHAMPOO!" I said looking around the shower room. I set my eyes on a bottle of shampoo and called it out.

"Shampoo?" He asked rather confused.

"Y...yeah, there's something in shampoo that makes my ears itch. It's... lemon grass, not good for my skin." I said. It wasn't exactly a lie. Lemon grass does make my ears itch.

"Ummmm... okay? Why can't I come in though."

"I'd prefer to have my own space when I'm... cleansing myself before showering.. you know?" I said.

"Diesel. Are you sure your okay? Your excuses are terrible when your under pressure. Your hiding something from me. I know you. We can talk after your shower if you want?" He asked through the door.

It's only a matter of time till he finds out.

"Yeah... okay." I said sighing.

"Good, now get in that shower, that shampoo I use has no lemon grass in it. It's a bamboo and elderflower scent. It's made for young children. I use it because it's soft on the antlers when I'm shedding." He said through the slim bit of wood.

"Actually, why wait..." I said feeling the doorknob.

"Wait for what?" He said in a confused tone.

"Let me just... wash the blood off real quick." I said walking over to the sink and turning on the tap.

"Okay, come out when your ready." He said before leaving the door.

I ran the water for a moment, plugging the plug in so the water couldn't drain away. I then added a bit of the shampoo so it would clean my fur as well.

Cupping the water, I splashed it over my face and neck, rubbing it in. I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror, water dripping from my chin into the sink making a small 'drip' each time a droplet fell.

I combed back my ears with my damp paws. I stared into my own eyes, removing my hands from my head. I growled, clenching my fists and then slammed my clenched fist down on the counter.


I aggressively put a towel around my neck, and around my chest so to hide the scars, and started drying my head, letting the dirty water go. I walked out the bathroom still drying my ears.

Louis was lead on his bed, shoes off, on his phone with the blood gone and bandages wrapped around his head.

He looked up from his phone, then put it down next to him. Opening his arms in a welcoming way as I climbed onto the bed with him and flopped onto his chest.

"What's wrong puppy? I heard you growl in the bathroom. Something on your mind?" He asked.

That nickname... it made my heart flutter.

"You could say that." I said sighing. Nuzzling into his torso. He took away my towel around my neck, tossing it aside and started playing with my ears.

"Why don't you tell me about it?"

"More like show you." I said in a small voice.

"Show me?"

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