Chapter 29

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(Don't play the video until I tel you :3)

Louis' POV:

It was 20:30 the time that we were told to meet here at the entrance gate of the school and everyone was here, ready to go, chatting with excitement. All except one. Diesel wasn't here yet.

"Where's Diesel?" Els piped up.

"Oh he'll meet us there!" Heidi spoke smiling. "Let's go everyone! Time to enjoy ourselves!"

Everyone was dressed up in what they had bought. June in something very revealing, the other girls in flashy sequinned dresses and the guys in some sort of fancy dressed item. And me in a tuxedo.

Heidi hung back from the pack to talk to me.

"So did you do it?" She asked. I knew she was talking about the letter.

"You know I did. It's embarrassing I must admit." I said laughing about how stupid it sounded.

"Don't be embarrassed! You spoke freely and your true emotions were revealed. You should be happy!" She spoke in her usual happy tone.

She's right, I should be happy, but I couldn't help but think what he would say if he'd reject me.

You'd think I'd want you? A weak herbivore that was going to be hyena food at the black market? How pitiful of you to assume that I'd love someone like you!

He wouldn't say that, would he? No he wouldn't. At least I hope. No, he couldn't say those exact words to me... he doesn't know.

He doesn't know I am not Louis the red deer, or the son of Ogma the CEO of the horns conglomerate. I am Number 4. Product ID number 4 of the live stock stall at the black market. And I have a daunting past, but I refuse to let that get in my way.

"Louis... are you okay?" Heidi asked me. Damn it. I'm letting my emotions show!

"I'm absolutely fine, why?" I asked. Not only was I showing my emotions, I had a bad feeling that something would happen. Something terrible would happen tonight.

"You look concerned? Your scared of what my brother would say. I promise you he likes you, he likes you a lot!" She said reading right through me.

We walked until we got to a large place on the corner of a street. A long line of mixed animals were lined up and security ever five metres in that line. At the front of the building, big neon pink  letters formed the word 'Enigma' half way up the building.

"Welcome everyone to Enigma! We don't need to join this queue. Follow me!" Heidi instructed as we walked on the other side of the red rope and to the front of the queue. I felt bad for skipping it.

"Hell yeah! We be real VIPs!" June laughed and strutted to the front like she was famous. All I could do was internally cringe at the younger tigress.

Heidi was about to walk through the door when a clawed hand came across her.

"VIPs only." A male red fox said looking straight ahead.

"Oh come on Jason! How could you not think that I'm a VIP."  She said looking up at the fox.

"Heidi?" He spoke removing his sunglasses.

"Hey Jason! Long time no see." She spoke again smiling.

"Yeah, really long time! What's it been 2, 3 years? How many are there of yall?" He asked

"25." She spoke as she counted us.

"Go on then, get in there you lot. A friend of Heidi's is a friend of mine, so I'll allow you to go though, just this once." He said removing the rope that stopped us from entering. He winked at Heidi before she thanked him.

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