Chapter 62

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This part... haha nice 😏

Diesel's POV:

Ughhhh Louis where are you?

The doctor was stood in front of me reading me my report sheet that he did this morning and all the tests results.

I didn't much care about it, my mind was engaged with thoughts of Louis and I daydreamed out the window.

"-and your vital signs are normal, your release will be this afternoon." The doctor said closing his fact file.

"Hm?" My attention was drawn back into the room.

"You can leave, this afternoon. I'm discharging you." The Okapi spoke, his gaze looming down at me through his half moon spectacles that he readjusted on his nose.

"I... I can leave?"

"Yes, despite you still having a severe-ish wound, it's healing nicely that we don't have to worry about. Although we expect you to do no extreme sports or harsh movements over the next 6 weeks to ensure a full recovery and that the stitches won't come undone. If they do, internal bleeding can break out again, so get your partner to keep his eye on you."

"Yes sir." I said gripping the sheets.

"The nurses will get you your things." He said nodding to a female gazelle stood to the side of the room. She nodded back and turned to leave.

"Doctor, how is he?" A familiar voice spoke.

It was my father.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Very well, he can go home, all his vitals are stable and have been for the last 24 hours. He is free to leave."

"Wonderful! Son for you own safety you will be moving back home with me and your mother, somewhere where we can keep an eye on you and make sure nothing like this can happen to you again." He spoke taking my hand.

"But dad... I can't! I need to go back to school, please allow me to attend school!"

"Why? You haven't been turning up anyways, diesel this is serious, whoever hurt your mother I think is responsible for yours too."

He was right.

I have a stern look and looked away my ears flopping a bit.

"At least let me see Louis."

"Indeed. That deer of yours. If you insist." My father shrugged. That's the best I can get out of him.

I gripped the bedsheets.


Our attention was dawned upon a stag stood at the door. He gripped flowers in his hands and a soft but stern gaze.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Louis!" I said a smile brewing at my lips. "Louis; this is my father."

"I see your the young man who stole my sons heart, si?" The lion said approaching me slowly.

Louis' POV:

"en efecto" ("indeed") I said.

He held out his paw for a handshake. I looked at it momentarily. His claws were sharp. I looked back into his eyes with a stern look. I clenched my jaw before putting my hand slowly into his, he grasped my hand tight, tighter than usual, I could feel my bones in my hand being strained.

I tried not to yelp in pain. I only increased my stern look. He gave me a death stare.

"necesitamos hablar. un movimiento en falso y tu mano será aplastada. ¿entender?" (we need to talk. one wrong move and your hand will be crushed. understand?' ) he said threateningly

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