Chapter 31

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(Don't play until I tell you 😄)

Louis' POV

~20 minutes ago~

Diesel... he's an amazing singer! His voice, his gaze, his movements. It's all so... dazzling! But those lyrics. They have a deep sadness in their meanings.


"What's up Number four?" A hyena spoke, saliva pooling out his mouth onto the floor. The number from hell. "Why the long face? Don't worry, they said that they would feed you a sleeping pill before they devour you."

"NUMBER 2 STOP SQUIRMING!" A male lion said grabbing a small rabbits wrist and dragged her down the hallways and showing her his fangs.

I sat there. Silent. Watching my own being fed to carnivore. I had another deer in the cage with me. Product ID Number 5, a female brown deer.

Our cage door opened as a hyena entered, we both cowardly ran to the corner of our dimly lit cage. We hugged eachother tightly.

"Come'ere  Number 5, I'm got gonna hurt you. However the carnivores upstairs might." He said salivating as he lunged forwards. He grabbed her wrist, to which I grabbed the other. "Now now Number 4, don't be stubborn."

I tried to tug her back into my embrace, I was not going to let any one die on my watch.

"Come on now, don't be like this! You don't want a bite do you!" The hyena said grabbing me by the neck and throwing me to the side.

I quickly got up and grabbed number 5 around the waist, pulling her away from the hyena.

"You don't know when to quit do you!" The Hyena yelled as he raised his vacant hand up in the air, withdrawing his claws. I looked at him dead in the eye, waiting for his strike.

"HEY TENYA! THE POLICE ARE HERE!" A brown bear spoke with all the other carnivores running down the hall in one direction. All shouting different things to each other.




"WHAT? The police... ARE HERE? HOW DID THEY FIND US?" The Hyena shouted back.

"THERE WAS A LEAK!" The bear shouted.

"HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN!" The hyena yelled, furious. He threw number 5 at me, in which I caught her and hugged her tightly as we cowered in the corner again, she was softly crying into my shoulder. All we could see were silhouettes of carnivores running down the corridors.

There was an explosion that made all the animals scream. Armed carnivores and herbivores rushed into the hallway, daylight flooding the whole room.

They were all wearing vests that said 'police' on the back.

There was one that caught my eye. A male doberman. He looked straight at me and smiled.

"It's okay, we're here to help." He spoke before walking over to our cage. "My name is Officer Lucas Houser. There's no need to be scared of me."

I let go of number 5 and approached the male. I came to the bars of my cage and gripped them. His paw outstretched as he put his hand on my head, ruffling my fur slightly.

"Cosmo! Come're!" He called out to a female doberman officer that stood behind him with several other officers. She came over to him and kneeled.

"Look after these fawns and all cages on the right hand side." He said removing his hand. "Adam! Take cages from the left hand side. You too Max."

Beastars: The Beast and LouisWhere stories live. Discover now