Chapter 9

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Diesel's POV:

I rushed in the direction of my dorm. After going down a few hallways, I stopped.

What did I do? Why did I do it? What will he think of me? I'm such and idiot. Idiot!

I pulled out my pocket to message Murphy.

Me: Hey Murphy. I left my club a little early as I'm not feeling well. I don't know if I'm going to grab dinner or not so go without me. I'll see you when you get back to the dorms.

I turned my phone completely off and shoved it into mg shorts pocket.

I need to clear my head. I looked around. There was a wooded area just a few yard away from the buildings, but far enough that no one would see me.

I walked over to the trees. Climbing up one and sat on a branch. One leg dangling over the edge of the branch, the other the other side. I reached into my pocket grabbing my packet of cigarettes and my lighter.

I took a cigarette out of the packet, shoving the rest back into my pocket, and lighting the end. Placing my lighter back into my pocket as well, I took the cigarette out of my mouth with my middle and index finger.

I blew out a puff of smoke and looked up at the sky.

"Mum, dad. We made it. We made it to the academy. Heidi is doing okay but I keep making mistakes. Petty little mistakes that are affecting the long run.

You know I want to become a police officer just like you both were, but I don't know how to tell Heidi. She doesn't want anything to happen to me. I understand I'm the only blood family she has left, and her twin, but I can't sit around watching herbivores getting hurt and animals breaking the law, herbivore and carnivore alike.

I want to finish what you started. But Heidi... I don't know how she will react when I tell her. She reacted badly when I told her about my job at the club downtown.

Please give me a sign of how to fix my mistakes. I'm so lost without you. Please give me anything. Anything! Please.... help me." I said looking up at the sky above me.

I had this feeling they were looking down on us. Watching over us. Protecting us in a way.

I heard a twig break. I looked down to see a small rabbit looking up at me.

"Oh... hello." She spoke smiling at me.

"Hey there." I said looking back down at her.

"I haven't seen you around before. You new?" She asked.

"Yeah I arrived today." I spoke. She was very confident talking to a carnivore.

"I'm Haru. I'm a third year." She said looking up at me. She sat sat down next to the trunk of the tree, just to the side of where I sat above her.

"I'm Diesel. I'm a second year." I replied.

"So Diesel, not to pry or anything but who you talking to?" She asked looking up at me again.

"My parents." I said looking up at the sky again.

"Oh?" She asked still looking at me. I could feel her black beady eyes on me.

"My parents are deceased. They died when I was little." I said before looking up again. Why did I just tell a random stranger that? I would never talk to anyone about this, so why her?

I brought the cigarette that I had still in between my fingers up to my mouth and breathed in the fumes.

I let it out and looked towards Haru.

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