Chapter 28

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Diesel's POV:

We ended up outside Enigma, panting and bent over I'm exhaustion. We were laughing as well.

"Hey you two, let's get going. The boss won't be happy your slacking before opening time." A mans voice said behind me.

"Oh hey Jason, how's it going?" I asked the red fox behind me as I stood up.

"Oh hey there pup! Long time no see!" He said smiling.

The nickname pup came around when I started working 3 years ago when I was 14. I had no social skills and had no idea what I was doing. Jason took me in with open arms. And I must admit, he was my second crush. And my first adult crush, but I'm over that now. I owe him everything.

"Yeah, boss has changed our shift timetables again so I don't see you as much... we'll not at all. I'm only covering for Lotus while he's on maternity leave." I said sighing before walking inside with him.

"Well it's good to see you pup." He said smiling while trying to reach my shoulder to pat it. "How did you get so damn tall?" He said in frustration.

I bent down a bit so he could accomplish his task.

"Would you believe me if I told you I was still growing." I said laughing slightly.

"Don't you even! You'll make me look short." He said chuckling.

We walked into the mens locker rooms while walked to mine. He leaned against the one next to mine still talking to me.

I put on my handyman belt that held my taser and repellents and put in my earpiece that connected me with the other staff and attached my microphone to the cuff of my shirt at the wrist.

I turned the mic on and spoke directly into it.

"One two, one two." I looked at Jason. He gave me a thumbs up ti signify he could hear me. I nodded and closed my locker door.

"So... got any boyfriends yet?" He asked me. I blushed deeply and looked away. "You have haven't you! Tell me about him, what's he like."

"Well... he's not really my boyfriend, we haven't made it official, but..."

"You've kissed?" He said with a serious face. I nodded. "My pup is all grown up! What you waiting for ask the dog out!"

"He's... not a dog." I said sighing.

"Is he a carnivore?" I just stayed silent. "So he's not. What species?"

"It... doesn't matter does it? I can't be with him because he's a herbivore and I'm a carnivore. The world won't allow us to be together, especially because we would be a mix species couple and a gay couple. Yes I do like him, to the extent of dearly loving him but we all know he'd be better off with his own kind." I ranted.

"Woah, woah Pup, calm down! As long as you love eachother, to hell what others think. I'll support you." He said smiling.

"Thanks Jase, that means a lot. I'm actually having girl trouble at the moment." I said sighing. "Ironic as I don't even date them but here I am muddled up in it."

"Oh no, what's happened?" He asked sitting on the bench in the centre of the room. He patted the place next to him as I sat down beside him.

"There is this tigress. I've only ever met her once at the drama club and she hit on me straight away. I just walked away onto the stage for my entrance performance, ignoring every word she said to me. But now... she's telling everyone we are together, it's spread around the whole school like a wild fire. I like this boy, I like him a lot, but now I can't openly express my feelings without looking like a cheat." I said my ears drooping,

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