Chapter 22

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Heidi's POV:

I was on the stage practicing my solo ballet dance. I kept messing up or going to fast with my tempo.

This was rlly third attempt and there is a slow tempo in the middle that I just cant get, no matter how hard I try!

I was in the middle of my dance when I heard a voice making me stumble to the floor.

"Heidi, Heidi, Heidi." The voice approached me on the stage. Sheila stood there holding her paw for me to grab.

I took it and she pulled me to my feet.

"Your rushing it! Take your time. The music is so slow you could just walk it." She said with a smiling.

"I know but the transition between fast and slow is hard to manage." I sighed.

"I can walk you through it if you want?" She offered. "If you wouldn't mind? I don't want to be a bother." I pulled my hand away from hers as we were lingering.

"Nonsense! I offered. Would I offer if you were a bother?" She said placing her hands on her hips and her tail swaying at bit.

Legoshi stood at the bottom of the stage.

"Heidi... could I... possibly... talk to you... for a sec? I'd your not busy or anything, no bother if you are; it's not important... but if you have time...." Legoshi rambled.

"Sure Legoshi, what's up?" I asked. "Sorry Sheila, excuse me for a sec?"

"Sure thing." She said looking a little disappointed.

"I'll be right back." I assured, resting my paw on her shoulder and winking at her before turning and leaving to go towards Legoshi.

I used the steps at the side of the stage to make my way to the large wolf.

"Hey Legoshi! Wanna sit and talk? My legs are a bit fatigued after dancing." I said smiling.

"S..sure." He said making our way to the benches. I grabbed my water bottle and plonked myself down on the bench, not knowing how to sit due to my bisexual-ness.

Legoshi sat beside me but kept some distance between us.

"You okay? Why you social distancing from me." I laughed. "Im not that scary."

"No it's neither of those things.. it's just because I'm intimating to others, I don't want to make you nervous." Legoshi spoke looking at me nervously.

"I have a brother whose just as tall as you and is edgy as hell. You can't scare me." I laughed. He smiled. I patted the bench next to me, making him scoot closer to me. His tail wagging slightly.

"So Legoshi... what's up?" I asked smiling. "It's not the same thing as earlier is it? I've let Diesel know and he said he'll get back to you on the lighting."

"Well... do you know if... your brother... likes... anyone?" He asked me.

"Likes anyone? Why?" I asked looking over at him.

"Well..." His face heated up and his tail started wagging excitedly.

"Hold up! You like my brother." I whisper shouted.

"Well... it's complicated." He said looking at a from me in thought.

"Well... I don't want to ruin anything for you, but I don't want to get your hopes up, as there are many people interested in my brother at this current time." I said sighing.

"If you had to say, how bigger chance would I have with him." He asked not making eye contact with me.

"About a 60% chance on my estimation. Could be less, could be more." I said honestly.

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