Chapter 37

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Diesel's POV:

I was sat on the benches sweaty and breathing heard. Louis was sat next to me. We had just rehearsed our sword fight scene over and over.

"How's... the... antlers?" I asked through pants.

"Still tender. They are due to fall out any time soon now. If I were to get caught out, that would be a terrible shame." He said looking to the other members as they rehearsed.

"Well... I'm curious, who's your boyfriend then?" He asked me suddenly.

"I don't have a boyfriend, at least not yet. I have my eye on someone." I said looking at him.

"And would you like to spill who that person is?" Louis said not looking pleased at all.

"Only if you can keep a secret."

"I'm sure I won't tell anyone." He said still staring daggers into me.

"Hey Diesel, can you help us for a moment?" Bill asked. "We need to carry these to the back."

"Yeah give me a second. I'll be right with you." I said putting the cap back on to my bottle and pulled the towel off from around my neck. Before I stood up, I leaned over to Louis' shoulder.

"You." I cooed in his ear before getting up and walking away, catching a glimpse of he beet red face.


I walked to Bill and Tao.

"What we moving?"

"This massive pinboard that we use at freshers week to promote the club. The week starts next week and we need to move it to the side." Tao explained looking at me.

"Kibi said he would do it, but we insisted as he's a herbivore and we're strong carnivores." Bill said flexing his muscles. "Plus we need you because Legoshi has something else to do."

"Okay. Let's just get this over and done with." I said grabbing the corner of the heavy boxlike structure.

"One... two... three... LIFT!" Bill yelled they both struggled on their end while I managed to lift my end easily.

They managed to get it half an inch off the floor before dropping it with a loud band, me still hanging onto my end.

"You know what guys... I'll take this to the back, you just direct me and make sure I don't hit anything." I said putting my end down and standing over the longer end.

"Your kidding right man? I mean the two of us combined couldn't even lift up one side, let alone you holding the whole thing." Bill said laughing.

I grabbed both of the ends and lifted it effortlessly above my head.

"Woah dude!" Tao said gawping his mouth open.

"Right, direct me to the back." I said balancing it across my shoulders and upper back.

"Oh yeah man, this way." Tao said, bill covering the front and Tao covering the back, making sure I didn't bump into anything, or anyone.

They directed me through the hallways, taking a left, then a right, then another left to the exit and asking several members including Legoshi to move out the way. The double fire doors were opened and I went through them, bending down to one knee and flipping the board over my head. They doors slammed behind us and we were stuck outside.

"Man, how'd you do that?" Tao said surprised.

"Long story short, I work out a lot and I'm a strong breed of dog. You know my ancestors were used to defend from attacks. We need to be strong back then." I said getting up from my crouch.

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