Chapter 38

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Diesel's POV:

"Oh hell yeah! I'm soooo gonna win this!" Kai said throwing his fists up in the air.

"Have you been eating bugs again?" Sheila asked him accusingly.

"Maybe? But it's legal doping! Aoba eats them too!"

"Well... I'm plenty strong without the bugs." The eagle spoke panicked. "I'm sure everyone here has had some. How about you Diesel, you've had some haven't you?"

"No, I hate eating bugs. They are just as innocent as herbivore lives. Your still taking the life away from that creature. I only stick to strictly vegetarian foods. And Bugs don't do anything to your strength or stamina, that's an old wives tale. But you guys can do what you want, I'm not the boss of you." I said standing up.

"I've never thought about it like that. Yeah he's right, it's just as precious as a herbivore life. Geez, now I feel bad." Aoba said looking at the floor.

"Don't you over sized bird, it's natural for us too eat them. Just like our ancestors." Kai butted in.

"But..." Aoba started but I zoned out, not listening to the rest.

Remembering the smell of the meat this morning gave me a wave of nausea and full body shudder.

"Are you good Diesel?" Aoba asked looking at me confused.

"Oh yeah I'm fine, I just get waves of being cold here and there from time to time. I'm good." I said walking over to Legoshi. He was sat on the floor and preying.

"Hey Lego, you ready. Your up against my sister." I said touching his shoulder, making him jump a bit under my touch.

"Oh... well.. I don't really like the game. It's a bit... violent isn't it?" He said scratching his neck.

"Your a wolf remember, brace it. And if you beat my sister, I won't be mad, I'll be congratulating you, she's a tough one to beat. So wanna try?" I said pulling him to his feet.

"S..sure; why not."

He walked and sat down on the first line of tape. Heidi sat on the last bit of tape the exact same length away from the middle bit of tape to determine who wins.

"Right... place rope in jaws please." I said standing over them. Legoshi's picked up the rope and put it in his mouth. Heidi did the same.

"Jaws at the ready, set and... go!" I said standing back heidi growled and tugged on the rope rapidly, legoshi not moving an inch.

Legoshi gave one swift tug and heidi fell forwards, her part of the rope crossing the line, making legoshi the winner.

He quickly dropped the rope and lent over Heidi.

"Hey! Are you okay? Sorry I didn't mean to pull you over!" He said apologetically.

My sister got up to her haunches. And looked up at him. "No don't apologise! I'm fine! It's really a pleasure to see what your really made of Legoshi! A true wolf's power is something to behold, not to be apologetic for. Your a strong grey wolf and I'm happy I got to play with you!" She said with a smile. All the herbivores stuck around to watch and congratulated legoshi on his win.

The others played, continuing with the games.

Bill won against Sheila effortlessly, pulling the rope over the line with ease.

Now it's me Vs Kai. The mongoose stared daggers into me. I towered above him giving him a devilish smirk.

"Don't worry Kai, how 'bout you show me what those bugs do, huh?" I said putting my clawed paw on his shoulder.

Beastars: The Beast and LouisWhere stories live. Discover now