Chapter 52

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Diesel's POV:


"Hi there James. I see you remember me now. Good, now you can tell me, why are you here on my turf. Coming to take up my offer?" I asked them, also removing free's blindfold.

He winced at the sudden brightness.

"What makes you think we're here for you?" Free said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Well after you convinced me to kill the boss, I took my own spin to things. I wanted to reward myself for my good deeds so why not hunt down an ex meat venders animal that lives right here on your 'turf' as you say." Free spoke making me step back.


"No, there's no one here that's an ex venders animal." I shot back trying to act sassy and like it was true.

"Oh I'm pretty sure there is. His name is ID number 4. Or Louis as you know him. But you already knew that, I can tell by the look on your face." Free spoke with the sass I needed.


"You will not lay a paw on him!" I yelled at him.

At that moment the door opened but I didn't notice.

"You really think that I will stand here and LET YOU LAY A FINGER ON HIM AND DO NOTHING TO YOU IN RETUR~"

"Ahem." A cough came from behind me. "Temper, temper." A dall sheep said from the doorway. "You'll burst a vain in your forehead if you keep shouting like that. And my eardrums." The dull sheep said picking out his ear with his pinky.

"Who are-" I began but was cut off by the sheep interrupting.

"I'm Pina. A new drama student. And who might you be?" He asked moving his fringe out the way for it to fall back into the exact same place as it was before. His blue eyes shining through.

"None of your business." I said.

"His name is Diesel." James said from behind me.

I tuned around and clasped his face hard.

"Listen to me, you even speak again unless I talk to you first, and I'll put you in the Mikkusu Gumi basement and chop off your only sense of pride, your mane, understand?" I said in a small voice, making James vigorously nod his head, so Pina could hear. I let go of his face and turned towards pina.

"What's going on here anyways? Diesel, are you a... bad boy?" He asked with a smile.

"Huh?" I said confused.

James snickered, making me growl at him, ears flattening, and side eyeing him, making him shut up.

"Manors, no fangs in public remember. Especially when there's a herbivore in the room." Pina said with a sassy voice.

They keep taking my sass!

"What do you mean a 'bad boy?'"

"Your type. Your a bad boy to the core. A guy who likes to command for someone to fetch things for you, and rarely does things yourself. Breaks the law and... smokes." Pina described.

"I don't smoke anymore. I've been told to quit, so I have. And I don't break the law. I stick by it but don't correct people who are out of line, I don't like sticking my snout in others business. They will get caught and justified against the right of code eventually. I don't need to tell them that it's wrong, their morals are already set in concrete, but they choose to cross the street instead of follow the crowd. It's not my job to pull them back. Is it?"

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